Quotation Overview
- The active quotation overview is used by customers to check their actual and former requests.
- Staff users are also able to check their actual and former quotation requests, making it easy for them to look up quotes from earlier days.
- Quotation records are also shown in the active shipments grid, assuming that most carriers are using this screen by default.
Where to find:
- Frontoffice -> Quotation -> Active quotations
- Backoffice -> Quotations -> Active quotations
- Note: entered quotation orders are also visible in the Active Shipments Grid.
Explanation functionality
Note: most functionality is based on the
active shipments grid and already described accordingly.
Note: displayed columns and functionality in Front Office and Back Office could differ. This depends on
userLevel settings and
parameter settings.
- Buttons
- New: user can add new quotation
- CSV: users can download all displayed or selected orders.
- Options for selecting orders, see functionality description in active shipments.
- Buttons for selecting, editing, status changing, mapping and forwarding the order.
- Columns for quotation values.
- The link under shipment shows the Quote Request Details.
- The above example is a Back Office grid.
- In the Front Office there are less buttons.
- Eg.: there are no columns for costs and margin, because these are strict Back Office values, this information should only be available for staff users.
- Which columns are displayed can be modified by using parameter quotationcustlistcolumns (#7) and quotationlistcolumns (#8).
- Language of the column headers can be modified through different headings-parameters.
- Latest status of an order is displayed.
- Overview of quotes, costs and margins.
- For selected orders some options may apply.
- Contact Cargo Office programmers by Bug Tracking for specific requests.