Sending a quote


  • Carrier staff are able to mail quotes to requesters.
  • The below explained example contains basically the same values as the Quote Request Details.
  • The quote can be sent to any email address of your choice.

Where to find:

Functionality only available for Level 20+ users.

  • Backoffice -> Quotations -> Active Quotations -> click edit button -> putting order status on: RFQquote

Explanation functionality

Note: the example below consists of two parts.

  • The top part is where the user controls recipients addresses.
  • The bottom part, the Quote Mail Form, is the actual message that will be sent to the recipients.
Note: the example below is template based and can be customized on request. When interested, use bugTracking to sent a request for customization of this template to Cargo Office programmers.

  1. The Quote Mail Form form is sent to all email addresses which are added here.
    • By default, the requester email address is shown, as well as the email address of the logged in user.
    • The sender of the Quote Mail Form is free to add other addresses.
      Note: all email addresses have to be comma separated.
    • After sending this Quote Mail Form, user comes back into the quotation grid (backOffice).
      Status of the sent quotation order then is: RFQquote.
  2. The Quote Mail Form consists basically the same values as the Quote Request Details. Differences are:
    • There are no order statuses visible.
    • A message "How to proceed" is shown. This message of course is meant for the recipient; it's a further procedure when receiving a quote.
  3. A quote expiration date is shown. This date is controlled by carrier staff ( see: #5).
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PNGpng QuoteSending01.png r1 manage 87.5 K 2015-06-26 - 14:46 RutgerRutgers Example of sending a quote by mail
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Topic revision: r9 - 2015-07-07 - RutgerRutgers
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