Quotation Statuses and Actions


  • Every order has a status.
  • Every status is able to trigger multiple actions or schemes, that could cause notifications, order updates, order outputs, order copies, etc.
  • The logic and options of Statuses and Actions is similar as are described in Track & Trace Statuses and Actions.
  • Defined status beginning with an underscore are not visible for customers.

Where to find:

Functionality only available for 20+ users

  • Backoffice -> Quotations -> Quotation Statuses and Actions

Explanation of the most important statuses

Cargo Office Staff is free to add any status they prefer, though we recommend not to add too much statuses and to use the default statuses as much as possible.

System generated names (these names can not be changed).
  • RFQentry -- when status is set in the Request for Quotation form.
  • RFQquote -- when transporter has sent quote to requester.
Default status names (provided by set up of cargo office).
  • RFQchange -- when the values of a quotation order have been changed.
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Topic revision: r3 - 2015-07-07 - RutgerRutgers
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