Description of default quotation parameters


  • Quotation parameters can be used by company staff to create specific settings for their customers.
    Note: do understand the following set-up.
    • Tables with a value for Customer are in use only by this specific customer.
    • Tables with no values for Customer are in use by all other customers.
    • So, in case no value for Customer is defined, then this parameter is in use by all customers.

Where to find:

  • Backoffice -> Settings and Management -> Parameters -> Quotation

Explanation parameters


  1. Option to add a new parameter. It requires some knowledge to add a new parameter, contact Cargo Office Programmers or Cargo Office Consultants in case you would like to add a new parameter.
  2. Search option to look up all parameters from a specific customer.
  3. Parameter headings_de: defines German table header columns inside the Quotation overview.
    Which language is displayed depends on the browser language settings. If no language parameter is available, then the default language en (English) is shown.
  4. Parameter headings_es: defines Spanish table header columns inside the Quotation overview.
    Which language is displayed depends on the browser language settings. If no language parameter is available, then the default language en (English) is shown.
  5. Parameter headings_nl: defines Dutch table header columns inside the Quotation overview.
    Which language is displayed depends on the browser language settings. If no language parameter is available, then the default language en (English) is shown.
  6. Parameter orderFormRestrictionsRFQ: it's optional to set restrictions for the Request for Quotation-template.
    How to use this parameter is similar as the Order Form Restrictions.
  7. Parameter quotationcustlistcolumns: defines which columns are displayed for customers inside the Quotation Overview.
  8. Parameter quotationlistcolumns: defines which columns are displayed for Cargo Office staff (20+-users) inside the Quotation Overview.
  9. Parameter quotationlistNumResults: defines the options for the amount of displayed records inside the Quotation Overview.

-- RutgerRutgers - 17 Oct 2006 / 2015-07-03

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng QuoteParameters01.png r1 manage 39.3 K 2015-07-03 - 12:17 RutgerRutgers Default Quotation Parameters
GIFgif parameterqu03.gif r1 manage 59.2 K 2006-10-17 - 09:18 RutgerRutgers Described parameters
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Topic revision: r4 - 2015-07-07 - RutgerRutgers
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