Default Quotation Process

Listed below is the default quotation process.
Per Cargo Office different processes may apply, depending on earlier requested customization.

Quotation process

  1. From the frontOffice (potential) customers are able to send a request for quotation to Cargo Office.
    They will use a Quotation Form.
  2. Entered quotations could reach carrier staff in their quotation overview, active shipments overview or through mail notification by status action set-up.
    By default, all entered quotations are created with status RFQentry .
  3. Carrier staff are able to create a quote.
  4. Carrier staff are able to sent a quote to the requester.
    By default sent quotes receive status RFQquote .
  5. Requester receives quote by mail and may accept the quote by completing it into a transport order.
    By default accepted quotes receive status orderentry .
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Topic revision: r4 - 2015-07-06 - RutgerRutgers
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