Fleet Mangement
- Fleet management allows you to communicate with mobile devices like on-board computers, mobile phones, smart phones, tablets, PDA’s etc.
- Stops and activities go to the mobile device and the mobile device sends data back as the driver hits buttons or enters data.
- The app on the mobile device shows standard html templates which can easily be changed to suit your (or your driver's) needs.
- Modern smart phones can be connected to almost everything, weigh systems, temperature sensors, CAN bus, digital tachograph, GPS etc. All this data can be captured and forwarded to your applications.
- The standard communication format is XML for easy coupling with backoffice systems like TMS or payroll systems.
- Cargooffice has a standard set of html pages and messages so that you can start right away using your own smart phone and gradually build from there.
- You can use Cargooffice to inform clients what's happening, i.e. delays, or your existing backend appications.
Inside fleet management an ongoing process of new functionality is offered.