Overview of nodes

  • The node overview screen is found at:
    Backoffice -> Dispatch -> Drivers

    (click to enlarge)

  • 1. Overview of all nodes/drivers
  • 2. Overview of all node/driver groups. Each node can be added to a group. Messages can be sent directly to groups (see below: Maintain groups).
  • 3. Overview of all driver codes
  • 4. Overview of all messages
  • 5. Adding a new node
  • 6. The looking glass displays the messages of this particulair node.
    • type 0 are outgoing messages
    • type i are incoming messages
    • If no messages are displayed check the node setting, if "show messages" is selected.
  • 7. Column of all existing nodes
  • 8. Type of node
  • 9. Check if this node is marked as a dispatch node (appears on the dispatch form)
  • 10. The group to which a particulair node is linked.
  • 11. The node address (this could be an email adddress or phone address)
  • 12. The card address of a PDA
  • 13. The last message which was sent/received.

Read more about: Add or modify nodes.

-- RutgerRutgers - 27 Sep 2006

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GIFgif dispatch15.gif r2 r1 manage 77.2 K 2006-04-11 - 10:49 RutgerRutgers nodes / drivers screen
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Topic revision: r2 - 2008-02-25 - HenkRoelofs
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