Dispatch & Planning

  • The Dispatch System is used to assign jobs to so called 'nodes' (a driver, a charter, a trailer, a vehicle etc.). This automatically creates a so called 'trip'.
  • The main form shows a split screen with the nodes on the left and jobs-to-do on right.
  • The general idea is to select one or more jobs on the right and on the left a node (driver / charter / trailer / vehicle) and then click the [assign] button.
  • Assigned jobs disappear from the right side of the screen (the jobs-to-do) and show up on the left side as small symbols behind the node name.
  • A symbol pointing up means a pickup action and a symbol pointing down a delivery action.
  • In the standard version these are the only two actions allowed; pickup and delivery.
  • The left side resembles a traditional planning board which might span several days and (optionally) two or more slots per day.
  • Jobs can be moved between nodes or from one day to another day.
  • Planners can print job lists, monitor/change job statuses, create trip lists, feed mobile data terminals, send messages to drivers etc.
  • The Dispatch System can also be used in conjunction with the freight exchange to find additional loads or return loads and/or offer surplus loads or load space to partners.


Inside dispatch & planning an ongoing process of new functionality is offered.

Description of functionality

How to start
Jobs screen (right frame) / LTL shipments
Planning board (left frame) / FTL shipments
Dot codes
About PDA's
Dispatch XML description
All transport order fields
All described dispatch functions

-- HenkRoelofs - 06 Oct 2005

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GIFgif dispatch01a.gif r1 manage 111.6 K 2006-09-27 - 08:21 RutgerRutgers sample
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Topic revision: r29 - 2021-10-04 - HenkRoelofs
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