All current transport order XML fields

orderField names

* fields are mandatory

CN* Carrier Number
customerID* customer ID (max. 20 characters, no blank space)
refCustomerID original customer (when updating another party)
orderID*,** order ID (Alphanumeric)
orderReference customer order reference ID
orderDate the date of the order
orderType order type
refOrderName original customer name
orderName customer name
orderName2 customer name line 2
orderDepartment customer department
orderAddress customer address
orderAddress2 customer address line2
orderCity customer city
orderPostcode customer postcode
orderState customer state
orderCountry customer country
orderContact customer contact
orderTel customer telephone number
orderFax customer facsimile number
orderMobile customer mobile number
orderEmail customer e-mail address
chargetoCustID charge to customerID, if different from customerID
chargetoName charge to name
chargetoName2 charge to name line 2
chargetoAddress charge to address
chargetoAddress2 charge to address line2
chargetoHouseNbr charge to house number (if not in address)
chargetoCity charge to city
chargetoPostcode charge to postcode
chargetoState charge to state
chargetoCountry charge to country
chargetoContact charge to contact
chargetoTel charge to telephone number
chargetoFax charge tofacsimile number
chargetoMobile charge tomobile number
chargetoEmail charge to e-mail address
chargeDetails charge details
chargeAmount total amount of invoice lines
freightCost freight cost / agreed price
freightCostCurrency currency of freight cost
freightCostContact contact for agreed freight cost
freightCostVat VAT code or amount
division division or department to handle the order
storeLocation store location
crossDockLocation cross dock location
remarks remarks
* these fields are mandatory
** orderID is a synonym for shipmentID, either orderID or shipmentID may be used (max 17 chars)

shipField names

shipmentID* shipment ID
masterShipmentID the first part of the shipmentID in case the shipmentID contains a dot (e.g. 12345 in 12345.01)
subShipmentID the second part of the shipmentID in case the shipmentID contains a dot (e.g. 01 in 12345.01)
refShipmentID original shipment ID
pickupName pickup address name
pickupName2 pickup address name line 2
pickupAddress pickup address
pickupAddress2 pickup address line2
pickupHouseNbr pickup house number (if not in address)
pickupHouseNbr2 pickup house number addition (if not in address)
pickupCity pickup address city or location name
pickupPostcode pickup address postcode or zipcode
pickupState pickup address state or province code
pickupCountry pickup address country
pickupContact pickup address contact
pickupTel pickup address telephone number
pickupFax pickup address facsimile number
pickupMobile pickup address mobile number
pickupEmail pickup address e-mail
pickupDate pickup date
pickupDate2 pickup end date
pickupTime pickup time
pickupTime2 pickup endtime
pickupTimeAlt pickup time alt
pickupTimeAlt2 pickup endtime alt
pickupReference pickup reference ID
pickupRemarks pickup remarks
pickupDetails pickup details, conditions
pickupTaillift pickup tail lift
pickupForklift pickup forklift
pickupCrane pickup crane
pickupIata pickup IATA-code
pickupNodeID pickup driver-, vehicle- or shipID
pickupNodeName pickup driver-, vehiclename
pickupTripID pickup tripID
pickupTripType pickup trip type
pickupStopSequence pickup stop sequence number in trip
pickupStatus pickup status
pickupSentBit 1 = details sent to mobile data terminal
deliveryName delivery address name
deliveryName2 delivery address name line 2
deliveryAddress delivery address line1
deliveryAddress2 delivery address line2
deliveryHouseNbr delivery house number (if not in address)
deliveryHouseNbr2 delivery house number addition (if not in address)
deliveryCity delivery address city or location name
deliveryPostcode delivery address postcode or zipcode
deliveryState delivery address state or province code
deliveryCountry delivery address country
deliveryContact delivery address contact
deliveryTel delivery address telephone number
deliveryFax delivery address facsimile number
deliveryMobile delivery address mobile number
deliveryEmail delivery address e-mail
deliveryDate* delivery date
deliveryDate2 delivery end date
deliveryTime delivery time
deliveryTime2 delivery end time
deliveryTimeAlt delivery time alt
deliveryTimeAlt2 delivery end time alt
deliveryReference delivery reference ID
deliveryRemarks delivery remarks
deliveryDetails delivery details, conditions
deliveryTaillift delivery tail lift
deliveryForklift delivery forklift
deliveryCrane delivery crane
deliveryIata delivery IATA-code
deliveryNodeID delivery driver-, vehicle- or shipID
deliveryNodeName delivery driver-, vehiclename
deliveryTripID delivery tripID
deliveryTripType delivery trip type
deliveryStopSequence delivery stop sequence number in trip
deliveryStatus delivery status
deliverySentBit 1 = details sent to mobile data terminal
deliveryType delivery type
deliveryTerms delivery terms
deliveryDateEst delivery date estimated
deliveryTimeEst delivery time estimated
deliverySignedFor name of person who signed for delivery
documents accompanying documents
BOL bill of lading / waybill number
equipment required / assigned type of equipment
extraEquipment required extra equipment (taillift,forklift,crane (comma separated))
assignedDriver assigned driver
tripType trip type
pickedBy name of picking employee (warehouse orders)
CODcurrency cash on delivery currency
CODamount cash on delivery amount
lineRemarks remarks
trackingNbr unique shipment tracking number
refTrackingNbr original tracking number (when updating another party)
signame signature name / name of person who signed for delivery
sigFilename name or url of signature file
attFile1 description of an attached file or document (attFile2, attFile3..)
attFileRealName1 the filename or URL of an attached file (attFileRealName2, attFileRealName3..)
status status of the shipment
totalQuantity total quantity of all goodsLines
totalWeight total weight of all goodsLines
totalWeightNet total nett weight of all goodsLines
totalVolume total volume of all goodsLines
totalPallets total pallets of all goodsLines
totalPalletPlaces total pallet places of all goodsLines
totalLoadmeters total loadmeters of all goodsLines
totalQuantityPick total of quantity picked (warehouse orders)
totalQuantityShip number of packages (warehouse orders)
totalGoodsValueCurrency currency of totalGoodsValue
totalGoodsValue total goodsValue of all goodsLines
barcodes barcodes for each goodsline, comma sparated
* these fields are mandatory

goods line field names (1 ~ 99)

quantity* number of packages / quantity ordered
packing packing material / units / collo
goodsID goods / product number
goodsDesc goods / product description
goodsReference goods reference ID
goodsBrand goods brandname(s)
weight gross weight
weightNet nett weight
weightVol weight volume
volume volume in m3
awb airwaybill number
shippingUnit shipping unit (palletized, crated, boxed, wrapped, hanging, loose..)
pallets number of pallets
palletID pallet ID / pallet type
quantityAlt alternative number field for quantity
stackHeight pallet stack height
stacking stacking height
palletPlaces pallet places
palletExchange exchange of pallets
dimensions dimensions
length length
width width
height height
loadmeters loadmeters
quantityPick quantity picked (warehouse orders)
containerID container ID
containerNbr container no.
containerType container type
containerSize container size
containerService container service
containerReference container reference
temperature temperature
hazardCode hazardous code / class
hazardText hazards description
hazardous hazardous goods
adrType ADR hazardous type
handling handling instructions
goodsValueCurrency currency of goods value
goodsValue goods value
packingReturnPickup packing returned at pickup address
packingReturnDelivery packing returned at delivery address
packingReturnType type of packing returned
packingID Packing ID number, SSCC code
barcode barcode

* these fields are mandatory

invoice line field names (1 ~ 99)

chargeProductID product number or ID
chargeDesc description of what is charged
chargeQuantity the number of units
chargePrice the price per unit
chargeAmount the total amount for this line

A special note for warehouse orders

Warehouse orders are treated as 'normal' shipments.

The only difference, aside from a number of extra fields present in the shipment, is that entry of a warehouse order causes a booking in the inventory of whGoodsID (the product number).

The following fields are of special interest in warehouse orders:


pickedBy the name of the picking person
quantityShip the number of packages to ship


whGoodsID a valid product number, known in the inventory list
whQuantity the quantity ordered, can be incoming or outgoing.
whQuantityPick the quantity picked
whGoodsDesc product description from the inventory list
whLotNbr batch/lotnumber of the product
whExpDate expiration date of the product
whQuantityReceived the quantity received
whUnit the unit in which incoming or outgoing goods are measured
whWeight the weight of the goods, taken from product table
-- RutgerRutgers - 07 Nov 2005
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Topic revision: r36 - 2022-07-13 - HenkRoelofs
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