Using mobile phones

What you can do with mobile phones

  • Inform drivers about trips, addresses, pick-ups and deliveries.
  • Accept driver reports on work hours, resting times etc.
  • Accept trip- and shipment statuses (picked-up, delivered, delayed etc.)
  • Accept electronic signatures from addressees (Proof Of Delivery).
  • Cross docking in warehouses (scan incoming and outgoing shipments and their (temporary) location in the warehouse)Work Report

  • The device sends shortcodes to cargoOffice (so called 'dot-codes'). Nothing happens unless some actions are defined for these dot-codes, e.g. change the status of a shipment or book work hours. For detailed information on dot-codes see: DotCodes

Device requirements

Getting started

  1. Create at least 1 driver
  2. Assign a job to the driver
  3. Show assigned job on the device

Create at least 1 driver

  • Go to your Backoffice and choose 'Drivers' from the Dispatch menu.
  • (1) Click the 'New' button (drivers are called 'nodes' in cargoOffice, like nodes in a network).
  • (2) Enter the drivers 'Name'.
  • (3) Enter a unique 'URL pin'.
    • Many on-board computers have a unique 'CardID' or 'Address', you can use as 'URL pin'.
    • If your device doesn't have a URL pin or if you don't know what we are talking about then just type a unique number here (we'll use it later).
    • Regard URL pin as a sort of security code or PIN code. Use at least four digits, keep it secret and don't use easy numbers like 0000 or 9999.pdaAddNode.png

Assign a job to the driver

  • Go to your Back Office and choose 'Dispatch' from the Dispatch menu.
  • Use an existing job from the right panel (or create a new job from your Active Shipments).
  • (1) Check 1 or more jobs in the right panel.
  • (2) Check the driver in the left panel.
  • (3) Hit the 'p+d' button for pick-up+delivery:
    Assign Job
  • Notes:
    • Use the 'del' button if the driver doesn't need the pick-up details
    • Use the 'pup' button if the driver doesn't need the delivery details

Show assigned job on the mobile device

  • Start the browser on your mobile device and go to address:
  • Replace yourcompany by your company code
  • Replace 1234 by the ''URL pin' you entered for this driver (only the second part, behind the dot)Trips overview
  • The page shows the trips assigned to this driver, in this case 5 trips.
  • FASTWAY is the name of the driver and 181219 is the start date (yymmdd) of the trip on top.
  • Click on the trip to show the stops and the details of the trip.
  • See the following example for creating signaturespdaSignatureProcess.png


  • You can emulate a mobile phone from the dispatch screen by selecting the driver in the left panel and clicking the 'pda' button.
  • If you are unable to enter a signature on your device then you probably need to install the Flash player. Ask your supplier or visit Adobe at
  • All report buttons are editable to suit your application needs.
  • If your device has a barcode scanner then you can scan multiple shipments in one go to report pick-ups, deliveries or cross-dock locations in your warehouse.
  • The buttons send shortcodes to the server (the so called 'dot-codes'), nothing happens unless you define some actions for these dot-codes, e.g. change the status of a shipment. For detailed information on dot-codes see: DotCodes

Add an icon to your home screen

  • Open the web page.
  • Press the Menu button (either below the screen on some devices or at the top-right corner of the browser) , then tap on Page.
  • Tap Add Page Shortcut.
  • Your shortcut should now appear on your home screen
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng newsTxt3-4.png r1 manage 12.2 K 2018-12-20 - 10:12 RutgerRutgers trips
PNGpng newsTxt3-6.png r1 manage 14.7 K 2018-12-20 - 10:01 RutgerRutgers work report
GIFgif pda00.gif r1 manage 12.0 K 2008-02-26 - 09:23 HenkRoelofs PDA example
GIFgif pda01.gif r3 r2 r1 manage 21.5 K 2008-02-25 - 12:32 HenkRoelofs add node button
GIFgif pda02.gif r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 28.0 K 2008-02-25 - 15:04 HenkRoelofs Dispatch
GIFgif pda03.gif r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 15.2 K 2008-02-25 - 18:20 HenkRoelofs  
GIFgif pda04.gif r2 r1 manage 33.3 K 2008-02-25 - 18:19 HenkRoelofs delivery details
PNGpng pdaAddNode.png r1 manage 106.2 K 2018-12-20 - 15:29 RutgerRutgers Add Node
PNGpng pdaAssignJob.png r1 manage 311.0 K 2018-12-20 - 14:48 RutgerRutgers assign job
PNGpng pdaSignatureProcess.png r1 manage 55.7 K 2018-12-20 - 10:51 RutgerRutgers signature process
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Topic revision: r16 - 2018-12-20 - RutgerRutgers
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