Overview of .DOT codes

  • The dotcodes screen can be found at Backoffice -> Disptach -> Dot Codes

    (click to enlarge)

  • 1. Overview of all drivers / nodes, see: Overview of nodes.
  • 2. Overview of drivergroups / nodegroups, see: Maintain of node groups.
  • 3. Back to this Dot codes screen.
  • 4. Overview of all messages.
  • 5. Add a new dot code.
  • 6. Edit an existing dot code.
  • 7. The actual dot code.
    • a. Use max 5 letters to define a code.
    • b. Don't enter a dot (.) in front of the code, just the letters.
    • c. The system makes no difference between upper and lowercase letters, however it is recommended to use uppercase for clarity here.
  • 8. If checked this dot code will contain a shipmentID.
  • 9. If checked this dot code is the standard action.
    This is mostly used for wrongly typed dot codes. When something was typed that does not match a dotcode what was defined in this screen.
    In this example codes which are not recognised will trigger an action where the main administrator is informed that this user has sent a message which was not recognised.
  • 10. Description of this dotcode.
  • 11. The added action to this specific dotcode.
    After clicking "+" a new action can be created.
    More than 1 action per dotcode is possible.
    When moving your mouse over an action, the actioncode is shown.

Also read: define a .DOT code to pass the shipmentID.

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I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
GIFgif dotcodes01.gif r1 manage 55.1 K 2006-04-14 - 11:58 RutgerRutgers Description of dotcodes screen
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Topic revision: r3 - 2020-06-04 - RutgerRutgers
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