Define a .DOT code to pass the shipmentID

  • How you can pass the shipmentID to a .DOT code is found at Backoffice -> Disptach -> Dot Codes: click edit button or "add new code" button.

    (click to enlarge)

  • 1. We used 'BJ' here (Begin Job) but you can use any arbitrary code you like.
  • 2. in this example it is not logic to define this as astanderd action.
  • 3. This 'Yes' tells the system that the number directly following the .BJ code is a shipmentID.
    The shipmentID will be remembered by the system as being the 'Active Shipment' for this driver.
    All following messages will be registered to the same shipmentID until the driver sends a new .BJ message.
  • 4. Description of this action.


  • Every driver may combine several messages into one SMS message.
  • The .BJ and the .DOK for instance might be typed together into one SMS message like this:
    .BJ 1000454 .DOK
  • Both messages might be sent separately, but that will cost two SMS messages in stead of one.
  • There is no difference between upper and lowercase letters.
    For example this is the same message as the message above:
    .Bj 1000454 .doK
  • Spaces may be left out, again this is the same message:
  • Leading dots (.) may be left out (the first characters of a message are always interpreted as a .DOT code):
    Bj1000454.doK (Do not leave out any succeeding dots, these are used to detect additional .DOT codes in the same message).

Also read define one or more actions connected to .DOT codes.

-- RutgerRutgers - 27 Sep 2006

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
GIFgif dotcodes03.gif r1 manage 38.5 K 2006-04-14 - 13:51 RutgerRutgers Dotcode with shipmentID
Topic revision: r1 - 2006-09-27 - RutgerRutgers
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