About users, Cargo Office access and administrator functions.

Users can be added per system.
Every user is linked to a user level.
Access to system functions is granted depending on the provided user level of that particulair user.
In general the highest user level of 70 is reserved for the Cargooffice Administrator.



For more detailed information about the most common user functionality click on any link of your interest.
Add users & overview
Change passwords and user data
Upload of multiple users
Email Messenger
Hiding menu items for specific users
Explaining customers
Explaining user levels
Extra functionality for administrators
Lost Password

-- RutgerRutgers - 12 Dec 2005 / 07 Sep 2006 / 21 Jul 2009 / 2017-08-21

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Topic revision: r19 - 2017-08-23 - RutgerRutgers
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