CSV upload of multiple users

Where to find

  • Back Office -> Settings and Management -> Users -> button: Upload users



  1. Buttons as explained in the user list.
  2. Browse your local file system for the file you want to upload.
    Note: an example file can be find here (at item 5).
  3. Define system access for the users you are uploading.
    Available systems in your application are defined in the user list # 11
    If you are not sure which systems to grant access, ask Cargo Office Programmers or play safe and only define system orderentry.
  4. Some notifications when using this tool.
    Please note: the hierarchy in this transport application is (from up to down): Carrier -> Customer -> User
    • Users are part of a customer (by field: customerID).
    • With this tool you are only uploading user details.
      • If no information of a customer is known, the uplaoded information is also displayed as customer information.
      • If customer information is already known, then it will not be overwritten when using this tool.
  5. Click here to find a CSV-template you can use as a base for uploading users,
    In this template all user fields you are able to upload, are defined.
    Tip: start with only 2 (lines of) users. If something is wrong with your CSV, then you do not loose time de-bugging.
  6. Click upload, to upload your CSV.
    If the upload is not successful, a message in red is displayed at the top-left-corner.
Topic revision: r1 - 2017-08-21 - RutgerRutgers
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