Receiving a quote


  • Recipient receives a quote by email.
  • Recipient is able to verify details and to contact the transport company that was sending this quote.
  • Recipient is able to accept the quote by completing order details.

Where to find:

Functionality only available for recipients

  • In recipients mailbox.

1. Explanation functionality: receiving quote details

  • After transport staff have created a quote, a Quote Mail Form is sent to the requester.
  • A Quote Mail Form is template based, see explanation of default Quote Mail Form template.
  • After clicking "complete the order form" in the Quote Mail Form the recipient is transferred to the Cargo Office of this transport company (-> see below "Explanation functionality: completing an order").

2. Explanation functionality: completing an order

  • To complete the order, the recipient has to login the transporters' Cargo Office.
    • For this the administrator has to give him a user account.
      Often this account is already created before, but do note that this particular user needs to have access (#11) to at least the following systems: orderentry, tracktrace and quotation.
    • With this account, the requester also has future access to related systems of the transporters Front Office.
  • Note: the image below is an example of a transport order screen.
    • This order entry screen is template based and therefore could differ per Cargo Office.
    • The example shown below is not the default order entry template.
    • Per customer new orderentry templates can be created on request.
      When interested, use Bug Tracking to sent a request for customization to Cargo Office programmers.

  1. The profit/loss button is only visible for Cargo Office staff, not for customers.
    Inside the profit/loss form carrier staff will notice content of charges and costs (#2).
  2. The quotation-user (recipient) is able to complete the order.
  3. The cargo office administrator has the ability to set order field restrictions in this screen per customer.
    In this example "Pick-up Date" and "Delivery Date" are required before the user is able to submit this order.
  4. After submitting the order:
    • The transport company/carrier will regard this approved quote as a normal transport order, which can be processed in their current Cargo Office system accordingly.
    • Therefore the order will receive status: orderentry.
    • Therefore the order will also be visible inside the Active shipments grid.

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action SizeSorted descending Date Who Comment
PNGpng QuoteReceiving01.png r1 manage 76.4 K 2015-06-29 - 11:59 RutgerRutgers Example receiving a quote by mail
PNGpng QuoteReceiving02.png r1 manage 50.0 K 2015-06-29 - 12:26 RutgerRutgers Complete order after receiving quote

This topic: Cargooffice > AboutFreecargo > FreightExchangeHowto > WebHome > FreecargoProjects > QuotationsDocumentation > QuoteReceiving
Topic revision: r3 - 2015-07-07 - RutgerRutgers
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