Start-up Guide for TrackTrace.Info
- TrackTrace.Info is used to inform your recipients and consignors about the status of their order.
- Note, some functionality may only appear (like sending messages) when we have reviewed your registration.
We'll do this asap and update you through Feedback when we've done this.
How to start (Non login version)
- Go to TrackTrace.Info
- Add address details for Pick-up, Delivery and Carrier.
- Add goods details.
- Set shipment status, date and time.
- Set the language for the message you sent.
- Click: Submit
- Depending on the status, messages are sent to the email address of pick-up and delivery (use your own email address to check it out).
- Consider to register.
- We'll give you a demo account for free, so you want to check out available functionality
- Use the Contact or Register link at the bottom of the screen if you are interested in an account.
- If desired, read more information
about extra options of the login-version.
How to start (Login version)
- Go to TrackTrace.Info
- Select Menu -> Login from the top right of the screen.
- Enter your email address and password.
- Note: If you already use another FreeCargo Product (e.g.,, etc) you need a different account. Just ask us.
- If you are a new user you need an account; use the Contact or Register link at the bottom of the page.
After a successful login you could see a list of earlier shipments you have entered, see example below:
If there are no shipments yet, just simply click the button:
New shipment (top left of the screen).
In front of every shipment there are two blue buttons:
Edit button; open the Track and Trace form for editing |
Tasks button; things you can do with this shipment, like printing documents |
How to add a shipment (short version)
- Press the New shipment button on the top left of the screen to add a new shipment.
- See full description and explanation of this screen here (long version).
- Fill in the pick-up and delivery details of your shipment.
- The email addresses for pick-up and delivery will automatically receive messages.
- The type of message varies depending on the status you set on the bottom of the page (and wether it is a pickup or delivery address).
- Tip: when you enter your first shipment put your own email address here, so you can check what kind of message you are sending.
- There is a link in the message you are sending.
- This link opens a screen that displays the exact status of your shipment.
- See an example of this Track and Trace screen.
- All addresses you enter will be saved automatically, so you can re-use them again by [select an address] or typing the first characters in the Name field.
- An overview of all your addresses (which you can modify) you can find by clicking Menu on the top right of your screen and choose: Addresses.
- The values of the select boxes in the goods details you can alter by clicking Menu on the top right of your screen and choose: Settings.
- Every time you submit a form, a specific status is set.
- By default there are 4 statusses available corresponding with the symbols: order received, shipment planned, delivery expected and shipment delivered.
- More about statusses.
- When the form is submitted, every status that is set can trigger messages.
- You can set different dates and times per status.
- These dates and times will automatically appear on the screen that is sent by the link in your email messages.
- In which language your message is sent can be controlled by the language you set in the top bottom part of your form.
- After you have submitted the form, you are brought back to the Shipments screen.
There you'll notice:
- The newly added (or edited) shipment.
- The newly added dates and times in the columns for Planned, Expected and Delivered.
More information? Read this longer version how to add a shipment.
About statusses.
- You can add any status you like, just by typing them.
- By default there are 4 statusses available corresponding with the symbols: order received, shipment planned, delivery expected and shipment delivered.
- These default statusses automatically will send messages to the email pickup address and the email delivery address.
- More information about statusses.
Messages you can send to receivers and consignors.
- With every new status that is set for your shipment TrackTrace.Info can trigger actions.
- Examples of actions are: sending a message, sending an output file, sending updates to other systems, copy shipments, sending documents, etc.
- TrackTrace.Info by default sends messages per default set status.
- Read more about the default messages you can send to receivers and consigners.
Shipments overview
How to add documents
- Inside the booking form you can upload documents. For instance a signed POD (proof of Delivery).
- Documents will be made visible in the Track & Trace screen that's available for your customers.
- More information about the booking form.
Menu functionality
When logged you can find extra menu functions (in the top right corner).
- Addresses
- All inserted addresses are automatically stored and can be easily selected for re-use.
- If you choose Addresses you can modify existing addresses or enter regularly used addresses manually.
- Feedback
- Please use the Feedback option to correspond with our programmer's desk.
- You are free to send us any questions or requests.
- All feedback reports are archived, so you can use it as knowledge base yourself.
- Settings
- In settings you can maintain the select options of your Track & Trace entry screen.
- Maintain your company details and change your passwords
More users
- In case you want more users added to your TrackTrace.Info application, please tell us by using the Feedback option in your TrackTrace.Info menu.
More options
- We can import or export EDI-files of multiple shipments.
- We have options to automatically calculate estimated delivery times (or other times).
- We can connect our driver app to your TrackTraceInfo system. (incl. a recipient signature as proof of delivery).