EDI Functionality

  • EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) is a set of electronic transfer methods and standardised data formats allowing data transfer between carriers and their customers as well as between data management systems (TMS/WMS/ERP) and Cargooffice.
  • EDI consists of formatted data files sent per email, http upload, FTP and other transfer methods.
  • EDI files normally contain shipment data, distributed between partners in a supply chain. This can either be complete shipments or just status updates and POD data.

Where to start

  • If you receive EDI files from other parties then checkout the functions below, especially the sections about the various formats and the section about the EDI-Configurator.
  • If you want to send EDI files to other parties then it is probably best to checkout the Track & Trace chapters. Especially the section on Shipment statuses and actions. This learns you how to inform other parties as soon as the status of a shipment changes (assigned, collected, delivered, delayed etc.).


For all EDI actions, please be sure you receive hard copies of the content of the EDI files on your email address. Specifically if they contain orders. Computers can fail and when they fail you will be glad to have hard copies of the orders you received.

  • if you receive EDI files from Cargo Office for your TMS or WMS, make sure that you receive a hard copy via email. Cargo Office has a special parameter for this : orderCopyEmailAddress. Be sure to fill it with your email address.
  • If you receive EDI files from your customers, be sure that they send you a hard copy via email as well.
  • If you send EDI files to partners, be sure to send them a hard copy via email as well.
  • NEVER FORGET that using relatively cheap public communication channels like the internet is full of risk and that you do need to have alternate procedures in place.


Inside the Cargo Office different EDI functions are available.


For more detailed information about the most common used functionality, please select a link below.

Data transfer methods
Standard EDI format
CSV format
TTM format
XML EDI format
Data layout in Excel spreadsheets
Special EDI formats
Dispatch XML
Freight offer XML
Status updates via EDI
EDI Order Info
All current transport order fields
-- KarlGorz - 08 Nov 2005
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I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
GIFgif edi_sample.gif r2 r1 manage 58.6 K 2006-09-14 - 08:18 RutgerRutgers sample
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Topic revision: r24 - 2021-10-13 - HenkRoelofs
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