EDI System


EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) is a set of electronic transfer methods and standarised data formats allowing data transfer between carriers and their customers as well as existing data management systems and cargoOffice.
EDI consists of formatted data files sent per email, http upload and other transfer methods.
EDI files can contain shipment data, distributed between partners in a supply chain. This can either be complete shipments or just status updates of earlier communicated shipments.
Additionally, cargoOffice can output formatted data and send it over the internet for onward processing.

Freecargo will accept and output data files formatted in a number of standard ways per default.
Customized solutions can be provided on request


-- RutgerRutgers - 16 Mar 2006

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I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
GIFgif edi1.gif r1 manage 98.2 K 2005-11-08 - 11:03 RutgerRutgers Field names standard orderentry form
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Topic revision: r8 - 2006-09-26 - RutgerRutgers
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