Overview of Warehouse Batch Orders

  • All inserted batch orders can be found in:
    • Frontoffice -> Warehouse -> Warehouse Overview of Batch Orders
    • Backoffice -> Warehouse -> Warehouse Overview of Batch Orders
    • Warehouse orders are also listed in your active orders with status "batchentrywarehouse".

  • 1. Make a selection from which customer you like to have an overview of current batchorders.
  • 2. Make a selection from which delivery date you like to have an overview of current batchorders.
  • 3. Sort your batchorders.
  • 4. Batch users are able to upload order files. These files needs to have a certain layout. Read more in: EDI.
  • 5. For every order/shipment you can see/print the booking details.
    Bookingdetails are template based. Another template can be created/inserted, read more in: Booking Templates.
  • 6. Multiple orders can be selected. For selected orders certain actions can be chosen.
  • 7. Datafield columns can be modified in batchListColumns.
  • 8. Edit this order.

-- RutgerRutgers - 12 Oct 2006

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This topic: Cargooffice > AboutFreecargo > FreightExchangeHowto > WebHome > WarehouseDocumentation > WarehouseBatchOverview
Topic revision: r1 - 2006-10-12 - RutgerRutgers
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