Description of default warehouse parameters

  • Warehouse parameters can be found in: Backoffice -> Settings -> Parameters -> Warehouse

  • 1. batchListColumns : The column definitions for the batch list, which you can find in: Backoffice -> Shipments -> Warehouse -> Overview of warehouse orders (batch) or inside the frontoffice.
  • 2. country : A popup value which is shown after clicking the country-listbox inside the warehouse orderentry screen.
  • 3. currency : A popup value which is shown after clicking the currency-listbox inside the warehouse orderentry screen.
  • 4. deliveryType : A popup value which is shown after clicking the Shipment Type-listbox inside the warehouse orderentry screen.
  • 5. fields_en : Translation of warehouse fields into English.
  • 6. fields_nl : Translation of warehouse fields into Dutch.
  • 7. mutGridColumns : Grid columns as displayed inside Mutations list.
  • 8. orderBatchListColumns : Grid columns as displayed inside the Overview of Batch Orders.
  • 9. orderOutputEmailAddress : Output email address where orders are sent to.
    Note: If you want to add more addresses, be sure to put each address on a seperated line. You can check your modifications when looking at the result after submitting.
    Note: Addresses should be seperated by a comma without blankspace, e.g.:,, ,etc.
    Note: If deleting addresses be sure to delete all blank space with it.
  • 10. orderOutputType : Warehouse output export type.
  • 11. packing : A popup value which is shown after clicking the unit-listbox inside the warehouse orderentry screen.
  • 12. productGridColumns : Grid columns as displayed inside the product and inventory list.
  • 13. productgroups : to be defined product groups, see #3 in Product entry.

-- RutgerRutgers - 11 Sep 2006

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