Assigned or dispatched jobs can be found at the planning screen in: Backoffice -> Dispatch: left frame.
(click to enlarge)
For each assigned job two black triangles show op behind the drivers name, one for the pick-up and one for the delivery.
If a "!" appears, there is a remark inside the transport order.
The first three letters are marking the first three letters of the pickup/delivery city address. It is possible to change this setting inside the settings functions of dispatch.
For distribution jobs it is possible to assign just the delivery. This reduces the number of triangles. Use the [assign delivery] dispatch button for this purpose (it is also possible to assign just the pick-up).
An assigned job automatically disappears from the right frame (the jobs to do).
When clicking on a triangle the Booking Details will appear. Booking Details tells you i.e. all status information concerning this job.
The color of the triangles might change depending on the status of the job. For instance status 'delivered' shows a green colored triangle. Any other color means that there is something wrong.
Job statusses are usually changed by the driver using a mobile device, but job statusses can also be changed manually using the blue plus-button.
Moving your mouse over one of the triangles shows more information about the job. If you want more or other information to be displayed, please contact your supplier or sent us a request by using your bug tracking system.