CMR Entry Templates


  • All users, customers and staff, are able to enter order details into the CMR entry screen and print CMR's later on.
  • The CMR functionality is customized, for different customers different CMR entry templates can be created.
    If requested, use bugTracking to sent Cargo Office Programmers a request.

Where to find:

  • Frontoffice -> Orderentry -> CMR Entry
  • Backoffice -> Shipments -> CMR Entry

Explanation of default template


  1. When no customer is known inside this CMRentry order, value 0000 is added for your customer number (customerID).
    • With this number it is more easy to track CMRentry orders inside your Active Shipmments.
    • When editing this order staff users are able to change this number, e.g. forward this order to a new or existing customer.
    • Users with alt-customer configurations are able to choose their alt customer numbers here.
    • The corresponding Cargo Office field name is: customerID
  2. Here the parameter cmrCarrierCode value for this logged in customer is shown.
    • If there is no value available for this customer, the Carrier Number [CN] is shown.
    • Otherwise then by parameter setting, this value can not be edited.
    • The corresponding Cargo Office field name is: cmrCarrierCode
  3. Here the Cargo Office Tracking Number is shown.
    • This tracking number is only available after submitting this form or when modifying an existing order.
    • The value of this tracking number is unique and therefor can not be edited.
    • The corresponding Cargo Office field name is: trackingNbr
  4. All yellow fields are requested.
  5. Available addresses can be selected per customer (so depending on your choice at 1).
    • Available addresses in box 1 are pick-up addresses.
    • Available addresses in box 2 are delivery addresses.
    • Available customer addresses can be maintained through Customer addresses functionality.
  6. Every box inside this CMR has a number, below we describe the corresponding Cargo Office field names
    • Most of these names corresponds with the main Cargo Office transport order fields.
    • Also important to know is that you are always able to check values by using BackOffice -> Shipments -> EDI Order Info
    • The boxes corresponding Cargo Office field names are:
      1. pickupName
        pickupPostcode, pickupCity
      2. deliveryName
        deliveryPostcode, deliveryCity
      3. cmrDeliveryCity
      4. cmr4PickupCity, cmrPickupCountry
        pickupDate, pickupTime, pickupTime2
      5. cmrDocuments
      6. cmrMarksNbr1, cmrMarksNbr2, cmrMarksNbr3, cmrMarksNbr4, cmrMarksNbr5
      7. quantity1
      8. packing1
      9. goodsID1
      10. cmrStatisticNbr1
      11. weight1
      12. volume1
      13. handling
      14. deliveryType
      15. CODcurrency, CODamount
      16. cmrCarrierName
        cmrCarrierPostcode, cmrCarrierCity
        [By default all these fields are filled by the user details].
      17. cmrTransporter
      18. remarks
      19. orderReference
      20. [we have not defined any fields for all these values. If interested we can create a new template with these fields on request].
      21. cmr21Pickup
      22. cmrPickupDate
      23. [we expect this field to be filled by another party]
      24. [the logo of the Cargo Office holder is displayed]
      25. [we expect this field to be filled by another party]
  7. These fields have never been used much in practice, but on request we can create a customized template.
  8. We expect this field to be filled by the sender of goods, but on request we can create a customized template.
  9. By default (your) carriers' logo is displayed, this is also done in the default CMR show template.
  10. We expect this field to be filled by the receiver of goods, but on request we can create a customized template.
  11. After submitting this CMRentry form:
    • You can print a booking, sticker or CMR; comparable with the functionality of orderentry orders
    • This order will also show up inside your Active Shipments. From here you may:
      • edit it.
      • print it
      • or change the status into orderentry, so it becomes a normal transport order which you can maintain in your orderentry screen.
    • By default after submitting this CMRentry form, an output will be sent comparable with the functionality of orderentry orders.
  12. All filled in values inside the CMRentry form will be cleared.
  13. On the moment of clicking this button all filled in values will be saved and will be visible when entering a new CMRentry order.
    • To clear these saved values, click first on button "Clear form", than on button "Save defaults".

2015-08-06 - RutgerRutgers
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PNGpng cmrEntryTemplate01.png r1 manage 130.7 K 2015-08-05 - 14:01 RutgerRutgers default CMR entry template
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