Inventory list
The inventory list shows the products in your warehouse.
This function can be found at:
- Frontoffice -> Warehouse -> Inventory list
- Backoffice -> Warehouse -> Inventory list
Some of the features are:
- Add new products.
- Edit existing products.
- Remove products.
The form
Some functions
- Add a new product by clicking the 'New' button (top left above the list)
description here: Add or Edit products
- Search for specific content (the example shows a search for customer 12345; press 'GO' to start)
- Multiple columns can be searched by adding an ampersant (&) and an extra column, for example: Customer=1234&Group=Garden
- Advanced users may use regular expressions
, for example: Unit=/(pallet|box)/
- Sort by clicking on a header (max 3 columns, press 'GO' to start)
- Edit a product by clicking the blue
edit symbol, see: Add or Edit products
- Delete a product by clicking the blue
delete button
- New columns can be added via parameter productGridColumns
Add or edit products