Recent Changes in Cargooffice Web retrieved at 04:53 (GMT)

Explanation of the Dispatch parameter screen Parameters of the dispatch system are in your Backoffice Settings Parameters Dispatch 1. Add a new...
Order entry: Data transport. There are other ways of entering orders into the Cargo Office. Select a subject of your interest. Description...
Order entry: Batch. Batch functions are used by customers. Select a subject of your interest. Description of functionality Batch entry View...
How to send messages You are able to sent messages from the drivers screen. In the example as shown below, a message is sent to a group of users. For single...
Maintain groups The Node group screen can be found at: Backoffice Dispatch Groups Nodes can be added to the here created groups from the add or modify...
Nieuwsbrieven Logistic Planet Logistic Planet heeft verschillende nieuwsbrieven uitgegeven. Zij kunnen u een snel inzicht geven in de verschillende functionaliteiten...
Freight details templates The freight details template displays information about a freight offer from the freight exchange system you are using. This template...
Freecargo Advertising Freecargo is a transport portal for the transport industry. It`s been on air since 1995. Freecargo is a public freight exchange free...
Former Warehouse functions Old functionality Overview of Warehouse Batch Orders (OLD) Warehouse Goods List (OLD) Product Status Actions (OLD)...
Electronic Documents A specific user may need the ability to view certain documents. For instance these documents can be: electronic signatures, photos or...
Offsetting date and time for drivers Sometimes it is necessary for the driver to report events which he should have reported but couldn`t report because he was...
Define one or more actions connected to .DOT codes Each dot code can trigger one or more actions. The word `action` here means sending an email message. Go to...
Dispatch: How to assign jobs You can assign jobs to nodes from the job screen in: Backoffice Dispatch: right frame.(click to enlarge) Select one or more...
All described functionality inside Cargo Office Inside the Cargo Office an ongoing process of new functionality is offered. Functionality See all described functionality...
About Order Entry Order entry is used by transport companies to digitalize their order data. Orderentry is beneficial for everybody inside the logical chain...

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