CN |
Carrier number |
tripID |
The name or ID of the trip |
nodeID |
The ID of the driver to who the trip is assigned |
nodeName |
The name of the driver |
vehicleID |
The ID or licence plate of the vehicle used for the trip |
vehicleID2 |
The ID or licence plate of a second vehicle used for the trip |
trailerID |
The ID of the trailer used for the trip |
fromLocation |
The city or location name where the trip starts |
toLocation |
The city or location name where the trip ends |
startDate |
The start date of the trip (yyyy-mm-dd) |
startTime |
The earliest start time of the trip (hh:mm) |
startTime2 |
The latest start time of the trip (hh:mm) |
endDate |
The end date of the trip (yyyy-mm-dd) |
endTime |
The end time of the trip (hh:mm) |
restTime |
Total resting time of the driver |
startODO |
The start position of the ODO meter |
endODO |
The end position of the ODO meter |
emailPlanner |
The email address of the planer who planned this trip |
notes |
Any additional notes for this trip |
descr |
A short description of the trip |
status |
The current status of the trip |
statushist |
The status history of the trip |