All current Trip XML fields

CN Carrier number
tripID The name or ID of the trip
nodeID The ID of the driver to who the trip is assigned
nodeName The name of the driver
vehicleID The ID or licence plate of the vehicle used for the trip
vehicleID2 The ID or licence plate of a second vehicle used for the trip
trailerID The ID of the trailer used for the trip
fromLocation The city or location name where the trip starts
toLocation The city or location name where the trip ends
startDate The start date of the trip (yyyy-mm-dd)
startTime The earliest start time of the trip (hh:mm)
startTime2 The latest start time of the trip (hh:mm)
endDate The end date of the trip (yyyy-mm-dd)
endTime The end time of the trip (hh:mm)
restTime Total resting time of the driver
startODO The start position of the ODO meter
endODO The end position of the ODO meter
emailPlanner The email address of the planer who planned this trip
notes Any additional notes for this trip
descr A short description of the trip
status The current status of the trip
statushist The status history of the trip

-- HenkRoelofs - 2013-05-16

Topic revision: r1 - 2013-05-16 - HenkRoelofs
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