Soap Call (XML transfer from cargooffice to you, your customers or subcontractors)

Push an XML formatted message to an external SOAP server.
This is handled by the pushspooler which runs every 2 minutes and also handles / pushes FTP files to remote servers. To configure SOAP calls, you need to tweak param 'orderOutputFTP' a little bit so that it also pushes SOAP messages.

If param 'orderOutputFTP' doesn't exist it needs to be created. This param contains details of where the files or XML messages will be pushed to. If you provide the param with a customerID, an outputfolder will be created for this customerID. If you omit the customerID, a general outputfolder will be created.

Example of an orderOutputFTP param to push SOAP XML messages:



  • proto: must be 'soap'
  • wsdl: the the URL where the wsdl (web service definition language) can be found
  • log: whether the actions should be made visible under 'EDI log' in your Cargooffice, set to 0 for no logging, set to 1 for logging.

The XML The XML message must be in a file with the extension .soap. The format of the file is as follows:



  • Function : The name of the function to call at the remote server (this name should be in the wsdl file as well)
  • xml : The XML message to pass to the remote server.
Topic revision: r1 - 2018-05-04 - HenkRoelofs
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