Explanation of the Quotation parameter screen

  • Parameters of the quotation system are in your Backoffice -> Settings -> Parameters -> Quotation

  1. Add a new parameter.
    You may need some specific knowledge before adding a new parameter. If you do not feel comfortable, contact Cargo Office Programmers or Cargo Office Consultants.
  2. Column of defined parameters.
  3. Customer column. It is possible to define parameters per customer.
    Note: If there is no customer defined, than this parameter is active for all customers.
  4. Description of this parameter.
  5. Content of this parameter.
  6. Edit this parameter.
  7. Delete this parameter.
    Note: It's better to rename a parameter (as old), than deleting it. Deleting really means that you will loose this functionality. Some parameters though you can not delete, these system parameters will stay visible inside the list of parameters.

-- RutgerRutgers - 17 Oct 2006

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GIFgif parameterqu01.gif r1 manage 40.5 K 2006-10-17 - 08:42 RutgerRutgers general parameters quotation
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