Orderentry form related parameters

Where to find

  • Order Entry parameters can be found in: Backoffice -> Settings and Management -> Parameters -> Order Entry.


  • Explanation of Order Entry parameters that are related to the Order Entry Template.
  • Per customer you are able to create different values. Therefore insert the customerID inside the customer field. All other customers will read the values where customerID is blank.
  • In the following screen the most used orderentry parameters are described. Arrows are pointing to the parameter value inside the orderentry settings as well as to the pop-up values inside the orderentry screen.


1. adr

  • Values for adr or dangerous goods.
    Examples: Explosives, Petrol, etc.
  • By default adr is a goodsline field, so per goodsline a different adr-item can be chosen.

2. country

  • Values for countries.
    Examples: England, France, Belgium, UK, GB, NL, etc.

3. currency

  • Value for currency type.
    Examples: EUR, GBP, USD, etc.

4. deliveryDate

  • Value for delivery date.
    • By default delivery date is installed for tomorrow's date, that is value: "today + 1".
    • Two days after today's date is value: today + 2, etc.
    • In the default template saturday and sunday are automatically skipped. If you prefer otherwise, than contact Cargo Office Programmers.
    • Delivery date is added to the parameter value of pickup date. If the parameter value of pickup date is "today + 1" and the parameter value of delivery date is "today + 1", the delivery date inside the order entry template is shown as "today + 2".

5. deliveryType

  • Value for Type of shipment, transport or delivery.
    Examples: Normal delivery, 09:00 hr, 12:00 hr, etc.

6. goodsID

  • Type of goods that are transported.
    Examples: Apples, Bananas, Kiwis, Oranges, Pineapples, etc.
  • By default goodsID is a goodsline field, so per goodsline a different goodsID-item can be chosen.

7. packing

  • Description of how goods are packed.
    Examples: pallet, box, roll, etc.
  • By default packing is a goodsline field, so per goodsline a different packing-item can be chosen.

8. palletID

  • Description of pallet type.
    Examples: euro, blok, chep, etc.
  • By default palletID is a goodsline field, so per goodsline a different palletID-item can be chosen.

9. pickupDate

  • Value for pickup date.
    • By default pickup date is installed for today's date, that is value: "today + 0".
      Note: do not use "today" or "0".
    • Two days after today's date is value: today + 2, etc.
    • In the default template saturday and sunday are automatically skipped. If you prefer otherwise, than contact Cargo Office Programmers.


  • Values for states inside a country.
    Examples: SA, VIC, WA, etc.

-- RutgerRutgers - 11 Sep 2006 / 2016-12-30

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GIFgif parameteroe04.gif r1 manage 153.9 K 2006-04-28 - 13:15 RutgerRutgers Orderentry form related parameters
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