Order Entry System


Order entry is used by transport companies to digitalize their order data, so they are able to cut costs and time on telephone calls and fax processes.
There is an unlimited amount of customers that can use the transport company’s order entry system.

         Sample Order Entry Form

Users or clients use this kind of internetform to add jobs/orders to the track&trace system.
These forms are template based and can be customized for specific companies as well as for specific customers of companies.
Of course there are also automated order imports possible (see: EdiDocumentation).
Inserted orders can be sent to the company’s Transport Management System. Some import standards for TMS-systems have been realised (contact your supplier), other import-modules can be made.
If a shipment has arrived into your cargoOffice, several other things can be done with it, ie: printing of bookingdetails, printing of stickers, track & tracing of shipments, dispatching of shipments, updating of shipments and shipmentstatuses, shipmentstatus communication by using the Fleetmanagement System, shipment planning and a lot more....


-- RutgerRutgers - 16 Mar 2006

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GIFgif orderentrysample.gif r1 manage 64.8 K 2006-03-16 - 14:04 RutgerRutgers sample
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Topic revision: r24 - 2006-09-26 - RutgerRutgers
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