Special EDI formats

  • It is important to understand that every 'Special EDI format' is a tailor made solution.
  • Yes, we do have scripts for standards like Fortras, GS1, EDIFACT etc. but these "standards" are different for everyone, so in effect not "standard" at all. But since we do have a lot of these scripts we are probably able to help you in hours in stead of days.
  • EDI solutions might look simple from the outside but they usually aren't.
    Reading an Excel file for example is indeed very simple, yet the content might be TIR (totally incompatible rubbish). An Excel file is nothing more than a scratch-pad and will be rubbish sooner or later as people tend to become less disciplined in typing accurate data in these files.

There is no such thing as a simple EDI solution.

Appoint a dedicated person to create a simple overview (ideally 1 or 2 pages) containing:

  1. The parties involved and the general flow of data between these parties,
  2. Communication capabilities of the parties (type of connection, protocols, required equipment)
  3. File-formats (ascii, xls, csv, xml) and file layout (record types, etc.)
  4. Required level of security (authentication, encryption etc.)
  5. Required feedback (logging, notifications, warnings, error reports)

An important part of EDI is mapping. The picture below shows a standard order entry form together with their fieldnames.

  • Start your mapping from your order entry form, check correct namegiving in Transport order fields.
  • A mapping document like this is absolutely necessary to successfully complete an EDI project.
  • Send the overview and the mapping to us and we will make sure you receive the correct data or send correct data to the party you wish to communicate with.

And if you don't understand any of this, send everything you've got to us and we will solve your EDI problem for you.

-- RutgerRutgers - 14 Sep 2006/ 2012-08-16

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GIFgif edi1.gif r1 manage 97.3 K 2012-08-16 - 13:26 RutgerRutgers Edi mapping example
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Topic revision: r3 - 2018-10-10 - HenkRoelofs
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