Track & Trace System

General description of Track & Trace

Inside the Track & Trace system shipments can be traced by all different parties involved: manufacturers, planning, staff, management, drivers, customers, clients of customers, recipients, etc.
The biggest advantage is a more actual display of shipments current statuses and less phone calls between involved parties.
All information is visible inside your cargooffice. Every party involved will start winning time and profit.

         Sample Track & Trace screen

The Track & Trace system gives cargoOffice users the possibility to follow their shipments along its logistical chain.
Changing shipment status are visible inside the Track & Trace screens of your cargoOffice.
Access to track & Trace screens is restricted. Users will only see information about their shipment(s).
Different communication equipment can be used to sent new shipment status to the system: PC's, boardcomputers, handhelds, PDA's, SMS, pocket PC', smartphones, etc.


-- RutgerRutgers - 16 Mar 2006

Topic attachments
ISorted descending Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf LP_tracktrace.pdf r1 manage 868.6 K 2006-07-18 - 07:37 RutgerRutgers Track & Trace leaflet
PDFpdf cargooffice.pdf r1 manage 2733.8 K 2006-03-31 - 09:03 RutgerRutgers Allround cargoOffice documentation
GIFgif trtrscreen.gif r1 manage 88.3 K 2006-03-16 - 15:22 RutgerRutgers tracktrace sample

This topic: Cargooffice > AboutFreecargo > FreightExchangeHowto > WebHome > TracktraceDocumentation
Topic revision: r22 - 2006-09-26 - RutgerRutgers
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