Locations list

This shows the locations of your warehouse.
This function can be found at:

  • Backoffice -> Warehouse -> Locations list
Some of the features are:
  • Add new locations.
  • Edit existing locations.
  • Remove locations.

The form


Some functions

  • Add a new location by clicking the 'New' button (top left above the list)
    description here: Add or Edit locations
  • Search for specific content (click 'GO' to start)
    • Multiple columns can be searched by adding an ampersant (&) and an extra column, for example: Customer=1234&Type=bin
    • Advanced users may use regular expressions, for example: Stock unit=/(pallet|box)/
  • Edit a location by clicking the blue wheditbut.jpg edit symbol, see: Add or Edit locations
  • Delete a location by clicking the blue whdeletebut.jpg delete button
  • Show products show all products at this location by clicking the blue whshowbut.gif show button
  • New columns can be added via parameter locationGridColumns


The colors in the first column shows the locations status:
  • Green = location is available (nothing stored there)
  • Yellow = location is partly available (number of stock units is less than the locations capacity)
  • Red = location is not available (number of stock units is equal to the locations capacity)

Entering locations

You don't have to enter locations. In that case the location list will only show the locations used in the products.
New and empty locations will not show, simply because the system doesn't know about them.
Usually locations are only entered for larger warehouses.

Next: Arrow blue right Add or edit locations

-- HenkRoelofs - 2014-09-02

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JPEGjpg whlocationlist.jpg r1 manage 104.5 K 2014-09-03 - 14:28 HenkRoelofs  
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Topic revision: r3 - 2014-09-16 - HenkRoelofs
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