Warehouse Locations

Multiple locations

  • The 'Location(s)' field can hold more than one location.
  • Normally the first location is the primary pick location and the others bulk locations (usually the shelves directly above the primary pick location).

    In this example 'A1' is the primary pick location.

Quantity per location

  • By far the easiest method to keep track of quantities per location is to just add some textual information to the location number.
  • Note Note: If you have more than one pick location (e.g. different batches or 'lots' of the same product) then see Batches and multiple locations below.

  • In this example there are 50 pieces available on location A2 and also 50 pieces available on location A3.
  • The total quantity on stock is 129 pieces, so there must be 29 pieces available at primary pick location 'A1'.
  • This is purely textual information and by far the easiest method to use for people working in a warehouse
  • The big advantage of keeping things simple is that you can add whatever information you like..

Batches and multiple locations

  • If you have more than one pick location, or different batches or 'lots' of the same product, you probably need to keep track of stock levels per location.
  • The easiest method to do this is to just add the location number (or 'batch' or 'lot' number) to the productID.

  • This method gives you several different records for the same product and hence also separate stock counters and location designators.
    product qty in stock location
    123456.A1 29 A1
    123456.A2 50 A2
    123456.A3 50 A3

  • An other example having a lot number.

- 000 -

-- HenkRoelofs - 16 Apr 2009

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
GIFgif wareloc01.gif r1 manage 1.3 K 2009-04-16 - 11:42 UnknownUser example01
GIFgif wareloc02.gif r2 r1 manage 1.3 K 2009-04-16 - 12:13 UnknownUser example02
GIFgif wareloc03.gif r2 r1 manage 1.4 K 2009-04-16 - 13:07 UnknownUser example03
GIFgif wareloc04.gif r1 manage 3.9 K 2009-04-16 - 12:52 UnknownUser example04
GIFgif wareloc05.gif r1 manage 4.0 K 2009-04-16 - 13:01 UnknownUser example05
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Topic revision: r2 - 2009-04-16 - HenkRoelofs
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