Explanation of the Invoice parameter screen

  • Parameters of the Invoice & Billing system are in your Backoffice -> Settings -> Parameters -> Invoicing

  • 1. Add a new param.
  • 2. Column of defined params.
  • 3. Customer column. It is possible to define params per customer.
    Note: If there is no customer defined, than this parameter is active for all customers.
  • 4. Description of this param.
  • 5. Content of this param
  • 6. Delete this param.
    Note: It's better to rename a param (as old), than deleting it. Deleting really means that you will loose this functionality.
    Note: Some parameters are modelCarrier parameters. A kind parent parameter unable to remove, but able to modify.
  • 7. Edit this param.

-- RutgerRutgers - 20 Aug 2008

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GIFgif parameterinv01.gif r1 manage 32.6 K 2008-08-20 - 14:35 RutgerRutgers explanation
Topic revision: r1 - 2008-08-20 - RutgerRutgers
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