Parameter: holidays


If this parameter is present then the order entry system automatically shifts pickup- and delivery dates to a later date.
This is also true for EDI files sent to CargoOffice.


The parameter holidays can be found here:

  • Backoffice -> Settings -> Parameters -> Order Entry, table: holidays

How to use:

The format of this parameter is:

  • yyyy-mm-dd [countries] (any text behind).
  • 2018-12-25 (christmas)
Example for specific countries (country names or codes must be separated by a comma)
  • 2018-12-26 NL,BE (christmas day2)
  • Note: you enter either country codes or country names depending on what you enter in the order entry form. Names and codes are case-insensitive.

Skip weekends:

  • Skipweekends=yes/no (yes = weekends are skipped, like holidays)

Param content example:

# Holidays : format = yyyy-mm-dd (any text behind). 
# Example:
# 2018-12-25 (christmas)
# only for specific countries:
# 2018-12-26 NL,BE (christmas day2)
# Skipweekends=yes/no (yes = weekends are skipped, like holidays)
2018-12-25 (christmas)
2018-12-26 NL,BE (christmas day2)
2019-01-01 (new years day)

Important note
  • To use this mechanism there must always be a general holidays parameter present. So without a customer ID.
  • A specific parameter with a customer ID overrules the general parameter.
  • The general parameter may be empty and specify no holidays at all.
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Topic revision: r3 - 2020-08-26 - RutgerRutgers
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