My Groups


  • You can build your own community by creating groups and adding friends and partners to these groups.
  • My Groups is thé community tool for anybody wishing to communicate with others inside the community.
  • Currently this functionality is mostly used for receiving and sending Requests for Quotations.
  • Please note: we are in the process of restyling this functionality.
    Images that are displayed in this documentation could be changed already in our live versions.

Where to find

  • Back Office -> Community Tools -> My Groups
    By default this functionality is only available for level 20-users.


  • Every user inside Cargo Office is able to form his own groups with all users of his/her liking.

How to start

All groups are listed for the user that is logged in.


Create new group


  • 1. Enter a name for the new group.
  • 2. Enter a description for this group.
    Note: you are able to define multiple groups with multiple different users. You are able to add the same users in different groups.
  • 3. Create this group.
    Note: you are able to modify details of this group later on.

Group overview

You are able to create as many groups as you like.


  • 1. Create another group (above 2 that are already listed in this example).
  • 2. butarwdn.gif If you click on this button, it:
    • gives an overview of all users inside this group.
    • gives you options to delete users or add new users to your group.
  • 3. butedit.gif Gives you options to edit descriptions of your group details.
  • 4. Descriptions of your group details.

Add users to a group

Users are added by adding their email address to a group.


  • 1. Find new group members: enter (part of) the name of a user or a company name and hit search.
  • 2. Show an overview of all my groups.
  • 3. Modify details of this group.
  • 4. Create a new group.
  • 5. Overview of search results per company.
    • All listed results are users that are known inside the Cargo Office Community. If no result is shown, check description below.
    • Note: There could be more than one user per company.
  • 6. Add to group: hit this button to add the user to the new group.
When a user is not known inside the Cargo Office community


An example:

  • 1. We are trying to find user:
  • 2. Cargo Office replies this user can not be found, but it can be invited.
    Note: if you invite this user, be sure this email address is correct.
  • 3. Cargo Office gives suggestions of other users that are known inside the community.
Invite unknown user


  • 1. The invited user with his known email address is already listed. The name of the company the user is working for, is required.
  • 2. The city where the user is situated, is required.
  • 3. After clicking the invite button an email is sent to this user. When the user accept the invitation this user is added to the group (in this example group: Transport East of user

User overview inside a group and current functionality


  • 1. The name of this particular group.
  • 2. All users that are combined inside this group.
  • 3. Delete this user from this group (Transport East).
  • 4. Use on/off option, if you want to receive Request For Quotations from this user.
  • 5. Use on/off option, if you want to have an option to send Request For Quotations to this user.
    Also read: how to send a RFQ.

Different types of users

Users of your group have options to decide wether thay want to be part of your group or not.


Therefore users inside a group can have different statusses:

  • 1. ACCEPTED: those that have accepted your invitation are now part of your community.
  • 2. DECLINED: those that have declined your invitation and are no part of your community.
    • Users that declined your invitation have a label DECLINED behind their user name.
    • If you want to sent this user a new invitation again, remove this user first by clicking the red x and then start invitation procedure again.
  • 3. PENDING: those that have not reacted on your invitation and are no part of your community yet.
    • Users that have not reacted on your invitation have a label PENDING behind their user name.
    • These users are free to accept the invitation they have received by mail any time later on.
    • If you want to invite this user again, My Groups Application will reply with the message it has already sent an invitation and it is waiting for user to reply.
    • If the user can not find the email with the pending notification, delete this pending user by clicking the red x and then start invitation procedure again.
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng MyGroups01.png r1 manage 15.6 K 2016-07-18 - 10:53 RutgerRutgers HowToStart
PNGpng MyGroups02.png r1 manage 17.0 K 2016-07-18 - 11:19 RutgerRutgers AddGroup
PNGpng MyGroups03.png r1 manage 61.4 K 2016-07-18 - 12:26 RutgerRutgers AddUsers
PNGpng MyGroups04.png r1 manage 59.8 K 2016-07-18 - 13:02 RutgerRutgers Unknown user
PNGpng MyGroups05.png r1 manage 21.0 K 2016-07-18 - 13:21 RutgerRutgers Invite user
PNGpng MyGroups06.png r2 r1 manage 42.8 K 2016-08-22 - 11:02 RutgerRutgers User overview inside a group
PNGpng MyGroups07.png r2 r1 manage 53.1 K 2016-08-22 - 13:30 RutgerRutgers Group user types
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Topic revision: r7 - 2019-10-23 - RutgerRutgers
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