
Contractors have limited access to the front office of your Cargo Office.

Assigned Jobs

Here they can see what shipments have been assigned to them via dispatch. It can be searched, sorted and the contractor can edit the status of these shipments.

Trip List

This shows the trips the contractor has been assigned, this is similar to the 'Assigned Jobs' screen but its show trips rather than individual shipments.


The contractor can access the PDA emulator here.

Linking to Node

Nodes in dispatch need to be linked to contractor for the above functions to work correctly. This is acheived by giving the node the exact same 'Node ID' as the contractors 'Customer ID'.

For example, this node:

will be linked to this user/contractor:

-- MarkHackett - 2011-09-06

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Topic revision: r2 - 2018-10-02 - RutgerRutgers
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