Different BOL Templates available from FTP-environment


  • Cargo Office administrators are able to maintain and create different HTML BOL templates per carrier.
  • This functionality is available within the carrier FTP directory.
  • Description of BOL functionality and other created BOL templates.
    Note: these templates are examples, they will not necessarily fulfill your wishes, but after implementation of a certain template you are free to modify them yourself.

Where to find:

  • FTP carrier directory -> data -> templates -> boltemplate.[parameter value].htm
  • Parameter bolTemplate can be found at Backoffice -> Settings -> Parameters -> Orderentry
  • If you do not have an FTP-account yet, use your report system to request this functionality.
  • By default there is no BOL template installed inside your FTP-environment, you may use your report system to request this.

How it works

  • Put the BOL template inside your FTP-environment, at: data -> templates -> boltemplate.[parameter value].htm
    • [parameter value] is the value inside parameter "bolTemplate".
      So if the template value is named boltemplate.test, the "parameter value" that has to be used for the FTP-boltemplate has to be named "test".
  • Your default template name would be: boltemplate.htm
  • Per customer you are able to show different templates, e.g.:
    • If customer 23456 has parameter bolTemplate: special
      The name of the template inside his FTP-environment has to be: boltemplate.special.htm
    • If customer 56789 has parameter bolTemplate: test4
      The name of the template inside his FTP-environment has to be: boltemplate.test4.htm
    • Etc.
  • By using parameter bolTemplate, you are able to use the same template for multiple customers.
  • If you do not have a template inserted inside your FTP-environment, a default template at the Cargo Office server is shown.
  • The functionality where Cargooffice (documents) react to the language settings in your browser is not available here. Should you need templates in other languages, you must create a separate template for each language. This also implies that for any customerID, only one language can be used.
  • You are free to create your own templates.
    The fields between vertical bars inside your template are dynamic fields.
    If you miss particular fields, use your report system to request other fieldnames.
    If you are proud about your BOL template, do tell us, we like to publish it at the current list of BOL templates
  • The template in your FTP-environment is limited to HTML and CSS programming.
    Specific requests could be programmed additionally. If requested use your report system.
  • Specific images you are able to store in the img-directory.
  • If you are not comfortable with HTML, you can sent a request to Cargo Office programmers to create a template conform your wishes.
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Topic revision: r5 - 2019-12-05 - RutgerRutgers
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