Assigned Jobs

Where to find

  • for contractors and subcontractors only: only level 15-users are only able to see shipments assigned to them.
    • Frontoffice -> Contractors -> Assigned Jobs

Explanation functionality

  • 1. In general this screen works the same as the Overview Active shipments screen.
  • 2. An important exception is that this screen is only available for contractors, user with userlevel 15.
  • 3. Users have the ability to change statuses of multiple shipments by using the with selected option.
  • 4. It's optional to configurate grid colums per customerID/contractor by modifying parameter: ttinfocustlistcolumns #8.

Extra options

  • Instead of showing shipments in this grid, it's also possible to show assigned jobs in another Cargo Office, for example the Cargo Office of this particular contractor / subcontractor
    • If a contractor is interested to receive shipments in its own Cargo Office environment, sent Cargo Office programers a request by using your Report System.
    • This option is extra interesting if this subcontractor is receiving other jobs from other (Cargo Office) transporter companies.
    • This option is also interesting when a subcontractor wants to print it's own CMR's, stickers, labels, bookingforms, etc, in it's own layout.
  • Cargo Office functionality is built in such a way that it's quite easy and cheap to import and export shipments and shipment-statuses from one Cargo Office to another. This way it's very easy for anyone inside the transport chain to inform a party of their choice about the status of their transport.
-- RutgerRutgers - 2014-04-16

Topic attachments
I Attachment History ActionSorted descending Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng contractorsAssigned01.png r1 manage 183.2 K 2014-04-16 - 13:25 RutgerRutgers Contractors Assigned Grid

This topic: Cargooffice > AboutFreecargo > FreightExchangeHowto > WebHome > FrontofficeSettings > FrontofficeContractors > ContractorsAssigned
Topic revision: r2 - 2014-12-02 - RutgerRutgers
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