CMR Templates


  • CMR templates can display all relevant values of a particular shipment.
  • Every customer or user is able to print a CMR after entering a new shipment.
  • At the bottom of a CMR template a possibility is given to add a signature.
  • There is also a possibility to print Bill of Ladings (BOL), read more in: BOL templates.
  • Printing ability for the CMR can be found at:
    • After a new shipment is added.
    • From the "Active order"-screens, when using the "with selected" function.
      • If not, you can sent us a request by bug report to implement this function into your Cargo Office.
  • If interested you can print CMR's on backgrounds or preprinted paper

Extra functions

  • Depending on the Cargo Office administrator wishes a custom built template can be created.
    If desired send us a request by using your bug tracking system.
  • All fields that are used inside the orderentry template can be displayed inside the CMR template.
  • It is also possible to create a neutral CMR template, showing details of consigner, debtor or principal instead of transport company or pickup location. If requested, use report system to send Cargo Office programmers a request.


  • Currently we have the option to print CMR-Templates in pdf-format.
  • If interested sent Cargo Office programmers a request by using your bug tracking system.

Specific requests

  • Specific templates are often created for specific customers, using specific fields.
  • If there is a value from the order entry screen you want to have placed or changed inside the CMR-template, please tell us the name of this field and send us a request by using your bug tracking system.
  • Please note that after printing any of these documents the result can depend on the printer and browser settings of the user who is actually printing the document. It is impossible for Cargo Office distributors to control these settings. So it is impossible to give any guarantee the hardcopy results will be satisfactory, although the default template will fit in almost every A4-page.
    • Any user is able to change the settings of his browser in Page setup.
    • For custom made templates the cargoOffice administrator should instruct their users how to configure their browser and printer settings.
      When creating these templates often a check-error procedure between a Cargo Office programmer and a Cargo Office administrator is needed. In general production costs will be calculated after wards, because programmers are unable to check the outcome at the users desk.
      Note, even if the result is not satisfactory these costs could be implied.
  • For a small implementation fee templates described below can be copied and uploaded for a specific carrier or customer.
  • It is possible to create a different template per customer.
  • It is also possible to create templates in different languages.

Checking a custom built template

  • When checking a custom built template you have top add a new (test) shipment and click "CMR".
    • If you miss some information or if you want something modified, than please sent us request by using your Bug Report System.

Different templates

  • Different kinds of templates have been created.
  • If you like to have a template custom built, start searching below for a template that is fitting you best.
    • Or sent us an example of the CMR you like to start using.

Default template

  • This is the default template which most carriers are using as a starting point.
  • By default only the first two pages are shown.
  • This template can be filled with any value known inside the orderentry screen.
  • NOTE: this template is custom built. Implementation and modifications are done at a check-error base and will be calculated after wards.

5 pages CMR template

  • All 5 pages of this CMR are displayed to be printed.
    • NOTE: this can take a while, because it consists of 5 pages.
  • This template can be filled with any value known inside the orderentry screen.
  • NOTE: this template is custom built. Implementation and modifications are done at a check-error base and will be calculated after wards.

Hungarian Pallet Exchange template


  • Special block created for exchange of Europallets in Hungarian.
  • Special block created for arrival and departure times in Hungarian.
  • This template is created for page 2 and 3.
  • NOTE: this template is custom built.
    Implementation and modifications implies extra costs.

CMR template for another amount of pages.

  • If desired, send us a request by using your Bug Tracking System.
-- RutgerRutgers - 09 Sep 2008 / 2013-04-23
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng CmrHungarianPexchange.png r1 manage 102.8 K 2017-08-10 - 10:58 RutgerRutgers Hungarian palletExchange template
GIFgif templatesbol11.gif r1 manage 57.4 K 2008-09-09 - 11:00 RutgerRutgers 5 pages CMR
GIFgif templatescmr01.gif r1 manage 84.2 K 2008-09-09 - 10:48 RutgerRutgers default template
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Topic revision: r7 - 2020-02-20 - RutgerRutgers
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