Warehouse Batch Functions

Where to find

  • Frontoffice -> Warehouse -> Order entry (batch)
  • Frontoffice -> Warehouse -> Entry(batch)
  • Frontoffice -> Warehouse -> Active orders (batch)
  • Frontoffice -> Warehouse -> Batch
  • Frontoffice -> Warehouse -> Batch -> Current batch
  • Frontoffice -> Warehouse -> Batch -> Order entry (batch)
  • Frontoffice -> Warehouse -> Batch -> Entry (batch)

What is it about?

  • Batch functionality are used by customers for not completed orders.
  • Orders in batch can still be modified or deleted.
  • Orders in batch still have to be sent from the "Active order batch overview".

How does it work?

  • Use of batch functionality is almost the same as the 'normal' functionality.
  • Orders entered with batch will get an order status: batchentrywarehouse
  • Orders with status batchentrywarehouse can still be modified or deleted from the "Active order batch overview".
  • If the customer sends the batch order form the "Active order batch overview" their status becomes: sent
  • From then on the order will be regarded as a normal order. Staff will pick orders from warehouse and goods will be transported to the desired destination.

Keep in mind

  • Orders with status "batch' are regarded by staff users as reserved items.
  • All users are able to modify and delete batch orders.

-- RutgerRutgers - 25 Aug 2009

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Topic revision: r4 - 2011-02-18 - HenkRoelofs
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