CN* |
Carrier Number |
customerID* |
customer ID (max. 20 characters, no blank space) |
refCustomerID |
original customer (when updating another party) |
orderID*,** |
order ID (Alphanumeric) |
orderReference |
customer order reference ID |
orderDate |
the date of the order |
orderType |
order type |
refOrderName |
original customer name |
orderName |
customer name |
orderName2 |
customer name line 2 |
orderDepartment |
customer department |
orderAddress |
customer address |
orderAddress2 |
customer address line2 |
orderCity |
customer city |
orderPostcode |
customer postcode |
orderState |
customer state |
orderCountry |
customer country |
orderContact |
customer contact |
orderTel |
customer telephone number |
orderFax |
customer facsimile number |
orderMobile |
customer mobile number |
orderEmail |
customer e-mail address |
chargetoCustID |
charge to customerID, if different from customerID |
chargetoName |
charge to name |
chargetoName2 |
charge to name line 2 |
chargetoAddress |
charge to address |
chargetoAddress2 |
charge to address line2 |
chargetoHouseNbr |
charge to house number (if not in address) |
chargetoCity |
charge to city |
chargetoPostcode |
charge to postcode |
chargetoState |
charge to state |
chargetoCountry |
charge to country |
chargetoContact |
charge to contact |
chargetoTel |
charge to telephone number |
chargetoFax |
charge tofacsimile number |
chargetoMobile |
charge tomobile number |
chargetoEmail |
charge to e-mail address |
chargeDetails |
charge details |
chargeAmount |
total amount of invoice lines |
freightCost |
freight cost / agreed price |
freightCostCurrency |
currency of freight cost |
freightCostContact |
contact for agreed freight cost |
freightCostVat |
VAT code or amount |
division |
division or department to handle the order |
storeLocation |
store location |
crossDockLocation |
cross dock location |
remarks |
remarks |
** orderID is a synonym for shipmentID, either orderID or shipmentID may be used (max 17 chars)
shipmentID* |
shipment ID |
masterShipmentID |
the first part of the shipmentID in case the shipmentID contains a dot (e.g. 12345 in 12345.01) |
subShipmentID |
the second part of the shipmentID in case the shipmentID contains a dot (e.g. 01 in 12345.01) |
refShipmentID |
original shipment ID |
pickupName |
pickup address name |
pickupName2 |
pickup address name line 2 |
pickupAddress |
pickup address |
pickupAddress2 |
pickup address line2 |
pickupHouseNbr |
pickup house number (if not in address) |
pickupHouseNbr2 |
pickup house number addition (if not in address) |
pickupCity |
pickup address city or location name |
pickupPostcode |
pickup address postcode or zipcode |
pickupState |
pickup address state or province code |
pickupCountry |
pickup address country |
pickupContact |
pickup address contact |
pickupTel |
pickup address telephone number |
pickupFax |
pickup address facsimile number |
pickupMobile |
pickup address mobile number |
pickupEmail |
pickup address e-mail |
pickupDate |
pickup date |
pickupDate2 |
pickup end date |
pickupTime |
pickup time |
pickupTime2 |
pickup endtime |
pickupTimeAlt |
pickup time alt |
pickupTimeAlt2 |
pickup endtime alt |
pickupReference |
pickup reference ID |
pickupRemarks |
pickup remarks |
pickupDetails |
pickup details, conditions |
pickupTaillift |
pickup tail lift |
pickupForklift |
pickup forklift |
pickupCrane |
pickup crane |
pickupIata |
pickup IATA-code |
pickupNodeID |
pickup driver-, vehicle- or shipID |
pickupNodeName |
pickup driver-, vehiclename |
pickupTripID |
pickup tripID |
pickupTripType |
pickup trip type |
pickupStopSequence |
pickup stop sequence number in trip |
pickupStatus |
pickup status |
pickupSentBit |
1 = details sent to mobile data terminal |
deliveryName |
delivery address name |
deliveryName2 |
delivery address name line 2 |
deliveryAddress |
delivery address line1 |
deliveryAddress2 |
delivery address line2 |
deliveryHouseNbr |
delivery house number (if not in address) |
deliveryHouseNbr2 |
delivery house number addition (if not in address) |
deliveryCity |
delivery address city or location name |
deliveryPostcode |
delivery address postcode or zipcode |
deliveryState |
delivery address state or province code |
deliveryCountry |
delivery address country |
deliveryContact |
delivery address contact |
deliveryTel |
delivery address telephone number |
deliveryFax |
delivery address facsimile number |
deliveryMobile |
delivery address mobile number |
deliveryEmail |
delivery address e-mail |
deliveryDate* |
delivery date |
deliveryDate2 |
delivery end date |
deliveryTime |
delivery time |
deliveryTime2 |
delivery end time |
deliveryTimeAlt |
delivery time alt |
deliveryTimeAlt2 |
delivery end time alt |
deliveryReference |
delivery reference ID |
deliveryRemarks |
delivery remarks |
deliveryDetails |
delivery details, conditions |
deliveryTaillift |
delivery tail lift |
deliveryForklift |
delivery forklift |
deliveryCrane |
delivery crane |
deliveryIata |
delivery IATA-code |
deliveryNodeID |
delivery driver-, vehicle- or shipID |
deliveryNodeName |
delivery driver-, vehiclename |
deliveryTripID |
delivery tripID |
deliveryTripType |
delivery trip type |
deliveryStopSequence |
delivery stop sequence number in trip |
deliveryStatus |
delivery status |
deliverySentBit |
1 = details sent to mobile data terminal |
deliveryType |
delivery type |
deliveryTerms |
delivery terms |
deliveryDateEst |
delivery date estimated |
deliveryTimeEst |
delivery time estimated |
deliverySignedFor |
name of person who signed for delivery |
documents |
accompanying documents |
bill of lading / waybill number |
equipment |
required / assigned type of equipment |
extraEquipment |
required extra equipment (taillift,forklift,crane (comma separated)) |
assignedDriver |
assigned driver |
tripType |
trip type |
pickedBy |
name of picking employee (warehouse orders) |
CODcurrency |
cash on delivery currency |
CODamount |
cash on delivery amount |
lineRemarks |
remarks |
trackingNbr |
unique shipment tracking number |
refTrackingNbr |
original tracking number (when updating another party) |
signame |
signature name / name of person who signed for delivery |
sigFilename |
name or url of signature file |
attFile1 |
description of an attached file or document (attFile2, attFile3..) |
attFileRealName1 |
the filename or URL of an attached file (attFileRealName2, attFileRealName3..) |
status |
status of the shipment |
totalQuantity |
total quantity of all goodsLines |
totalWeight |
total weight of all goodsLines |
totalWeightNet |
total nett weight of all goodsLines |
totalVolume |
total volume of all goodsLines |
totalPallets |
total pallets of all goodsLines |
totalPalletPlaces |
total pallet places of all goodsLines |
totalLoadmeters |
total loadmeters of all goodsLines |
totalQuantityPick |
total of quantity picked (warehouse orders) |
totalQuantityShip |
number of packages (warehouse orders) |
totalGoodsValueCurrency |
currency of totalGoodsValue |
totalGoodsValue |
total goodsValue of all goodsLines |
barcodes |
barcodes for each goodsline, comma sparated |
Warehouse orders are treated as 'normal' shipments.
The only difference, aside from a number of extra fields present in the shipment, is that entry of a warehouse order causes a booking in the inventory of
(the product number).