Start-up Guide for

About TransportSticker

  • By using TransportSticker you are able to print your desired label that you can add to the package you want to have transported.
  • TransportSticker is created for Carriers as well as Consignors.
  • Some users print the label on a blank sticker (hence the name TransportSticker), others glue it on the package or put it in a clear plastic envelope that is attached to the package.
  • In the logged in version you'll have a choice from different label sizes and different label types.
    • On request we can make you a customized label with a customized barcode.

How to start (quick version)

  • Go to
  • Fill out the form and press Print at the bottom of the form.
  • That's all and it's free!
  • Please consider opening an account, some of your benefits are:
    • A choice out of 10 different labels.
    • All your Labels are stored for a year so you can retrieve or reuse them again.
    • Addresses will be remembered so that you don't have to enter them again and again.
    • Print a CMR, a BoL, a pickup list, a booking form or other documents.
    • Your Logo on all your labels.
    • Your TransportSticker account can be combined with any other FC-product (eg.,,,, TrackTrace.Info,, TransportGuide.Info, etc).
    • Many options to import EDI-files of multiple shipments.
  • Use the Contact or Register link at the bottom of the screen if you are interested in an account.

How to start (Login version)

  • Go to
  • Select Menu -> Login from the top right of the screen.
  • Enter your email address and password.
  • Note: If you already use another FreeCargo Product (e.g.,,,, TrackTrace.Info,, TransportGuide.Info, etc) you need a different account.
    Just ask us.
  • If you are a new user and you need an account; use the Contact or Register link at the bottom of the page.

Shipment overview

After a successful login you will see a list of earlier labels you've entered, for example:


  • Press the New label button on the top left screen to add a new label.
  • For every shipment there a re two buttons:
    button_edit_1014.png Edit button; open Label for editing your shipment details.
    button_actions_1014.png Tasks button; things you can do with this label, especially printing your desired label.
  • By using the With selected function on the bottom left of the screen you can select multiple shipments and perform one task.
  • You can add or modify columns in your settings: Menu (top-right) -> Settings -> Shipments grid columns
  • Shipments are archived for at least one year for users with a subscription.

Adding or editing a label

The set-up of the form below has the same design as the default label you can print.


  1. After joining TransportSticker we'll add a logo to your credentials asap.
    • This logo will be visible at most of your labels and other documents as well.
    • If you prefer another logo tell us by using your feedback option: Menu (top-right) -> Feedback
  2. The label address (the address of the company connected with the logo) is automatically filled with your user details
    • See: Menu (top-right) -> User details
    • Inside the form you can overwrite your label details with new values.
    • If requested we can delete these label address details from the label entry form and fill these values by a default value that you can alter by using a parameter.
  3. Using these [ select an address ] links you can select an address from earlier addresses you've used.
    • Deactivate the pop-up blocker in your browser settings in case the [Select an address] functionality doesn't work.
    • Tip: You can also type the first letters of the name in the name field.
      Earlier addresses with that name will appear and you can quickly select the address you need.
    • All entered addresses you can maintain in: Menu (top-right) -> Addresses
  4. You can adjust the options for country in your settings: Menu (top-right) -> Settings -> Countries
  5. Pieces is the amount of labels that will be printed.
  6. This is the default text that is printed on most of your labels.
  7. After submitting the form you go back to your shipment overview.
    • From the shipment overview, by using the task button you can print your desired label.
  8. User options:
    • When clicking the Clear form-button all filled in values of that moment are cleared.
    • When clicking the Save defaults-button all filled in values of that moment are stored, so you can use these values again next time.
    • When you want to erase formerly stored values, then first click button Clear form and secondly click button Save defaults.
This form can be customized according your wishes.
  • For example if you prefer multiple goodslines inside one shipment.
  • If requested, send us a message by using Feedback.

Tasks button

By clicking on the Tasks button button_actions_1014.png there are various things that you can do:


Except for other documents, the most options are about printing labels.

  • Listed are the 10 most commonly used labels.
    It's pretty self explanatory.
  • All labels are displayed in a HTML-window of your browser.
    • You can download or save the labels in PDF.
    • Page margins or page numbers you have to adjust in your browser settings, check this.
    • We can also make the labels directly available in PDF, if requested send us a message.
  • In the barcode is the tracking number by default, but on request we can put any information you want inside the barcode.
    • We are able to create different types of barcodes, e.g.: Code 128, Code39, EAN, Interleaved 2 of 5, etc.
    • There are multiple FC-products we can offer to display information based on the tracking number to any party involved inside the logistic chain, for example TrackTrace.Info
    • It's also possible to send notifications to receiver or consignor about estimated delivery time or pickup time.
  • We already have made hundreds of different types of labels for all types of printers, paper sizes, languages, colors, font sizes; for different types of companies, goods, warehouses, packing materials, etc.
We can customize any label according your wishes.
If requested, send us a message by using Feedback.

Menu options

By clicking the menu symbol on the top right corner you'll find the following options.


  • Shipments brings you back to your overview of all earlier entered labels and shipments.
  • Addresses is an overview of all your earlier entered addresses.
  • User details are used in the label address of your label entry form.
  • Feedback you use when you want to send TransportSticker programmers a message, error, complaint, request, advise, etc.
  • Settings you use when you want to change some of your parameters or options, e.g. colums display, country listing, etc.
  • Online help is the page you are looking on right now.
NOTE: we can combine any of the functionality available in with any other FC-product you already may use, like eg.,,,, TrackTrace.Info,, TransportGuide.Info, etc.

More options

More options we can offer combined in other FC_products are:

  • Per customer we can prefill your next label with values you have used before, for example with addresses.
  • Printing any amount of labels, depending on the type of packing, for example: pallet, colli, pallet place, etc.
  • Printing different labels for different customers.
  • Log-in options for your customers, giving them the possiblity to print labels for you.
And a lot more, just ask us.
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Topic revision: r9 - 2021-12-06 - RutgerRutgers
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