Overview of your reports

Where to find

  • Go to your Report System: Backoffice -> Settings and Management -> Feedback and Report System
    • This overview displays all Active Reports, reports that are open for communication.
    • A list of all your former communication is displayed by clicking the button at the bottom: "Show all reports".



  • 1. A short explanation what is happening when inserting a report.
  • 2. Option to add a new report.
  • 3. Option to show all entered reports, including those that are completed or cancelled.
  • 4. The unique number of this report. It is used as an identifier for communication and administration.
  • 5. Date when this report was editted for the last time.
  • 6. Name of this specific report.
  • 7. By whom was this report inserted.
    Note: this has to be a correct email address.
  • 8. System to which this report is related.
    Note: The report and feedback system is used by multiple systems, like Cargo Office, Free Cargo, Cargo Office Int, LP Transport, etc.
  • 9. Status of displayed Report.
    The following statussus are used:
    • Submitted: so far this report is submitted, user is still able to modify or delete this report.
    • Cancelled: this report is cancelled; this could have been done by a Cargo Office user or by programmers desk. Reasons to cancel could have been: report is overtaken by actual situation or user did not react on requests for response.
    • Completed: answer has been given or solution has been provided.
    • In Progress: this report is noticed, programmers are working on it.
    • Next Release: report could not be completed, programmers desk keeps it in mind and will try to add a solution when introducing the next software release.
    • Quotation: sales department desk is waiting for a response from Cargo Office user.
      This response is often necessary before programmers are able to proceed.
    • Response: Cargo Office users have responded on a wait-status from the programmers desk.
    • Sleeping: the programmers desk do not know what to do with this report. They do not understand it or they have been waiting some time for a reponse.
    • Wait: the programmers desk is waiting for a response, an email has been sent to user's email address (which is displayed in column "Correspondent".
  • 10. The current programmer monitoring this report.
  • 11. If a document was uploaded before, it is possible to view it from here.
  • 12. The whole report is displayed when clicking this button.
    Depending on the status of the report, different options are given to communicate with the programmers desk:
    • butedit_orange.gif Edit button. This report has not been touched yet. You are still able to modify or delete this report.
    • butresponse_orange.png R-button. This report is open for communication. Programmer desk could be waiting for an answer from your side. Please click this button and send a response.
    • butanswer_orange.png A-button. By clicking this button you can read all inserted information concerning this report.

-- RutgerRutgers - 07 Sep 2006 / 2016-11-14 / 2017-05-09

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GIFgif bugtracking2.gif r1 manage 93.8 K 2005-11-08 - 13:30 RutgerRutgers Overview bug reports

This topic: Cargooffice > AboutFreecargo > FreightExchangeHowto > WebHome > BugtrackingDocumentation > ReportOverview
Topic revision: r5 - 2017-05-09 - RutgerRutgers
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