Private Exchange

What is a Private Exchange?

A Private Exchange is just another Freight Exchange. It has nothing to do with Freecargo except that many Private Exchanges are based on Freecargo software. A Private Exchange runs it's own registry and have their own users and their own people who decide who had access and who not.

Offers can be exchanged between Private Exchanges using a standardized protocol. It is also possible to exchange offers with the Freecargo Freight Exchange but only if the Private Exchange owner is a transport or a freight company. Freecargo does not accept offers with other type of companies.


A good example of a Private Exchange is a large paper factory. They run their own Freight Exchange and have their own regular transporters registered as users. When they enter freight offers into their Exchange the users are automatically notified and are invited to make a quote.

The freight offers of this paper factory are not accepted by Freecargo because it is not a transport company. But there might be a member of this Private Exchange, a transporter, who is also a member of Freecargo and he would be able to enter the offer into the Freecargo Freight Exchange under his own name. This can even be automated by the transporter so that his network is automatically notified too. Nobody of his network will know that the original offers is from the paper factory since it is offered under his own name.

-- HenkRoelofs - 31 May 2007

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Topic revision: r3 - 2008-01-04 - RutgerRutgers
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