All inserted addresses inside your Cargo Office are shown in one overview.
Company staff can modify customer addresses in:
Backoffice -> Orderentry -> Customer Adresses
Backoffice -> Shipments -> Customer Adresses
Display of collumn settings can be installed in: custadrColumns. If you're not sure how to handle this function, contact your Cargo Office dealer or sent us a request by using your Bug Tracking System.
1. Edit this address (see also screen below).
2. Delete this address.
3. The Address ID of this particulair address (not every cargo-user has this possibility).
4. Common address fields.
5. Type of address: p=pickup, d=delivery, y=yard.
In some special cases we use 'd' as a combined address for pickup AND delivery. This has been done at the Cargo Office administrators request. You can always check when using your orderentryform: Backoffice -> Shipments -> New Shipment.
yard is mostly used for container transport.
6. For every address a specific searchkey is made (a combination of name, postcode and city).