About Track & Trace

  • From start to finish all partners along the logistic chain are able to track and trace their shipments.
  • Every shipment is presented with a tracking number, a barcode and a shipment status. Shipment statusses can differ per party in the logistical chain.
  • For every shipment scanable stickers can be printed.
  • For every shipment booking details can be printed.
  • All users are able to look up real time shipment statuses with the help of the tracking number.
  • You are also able to send automated notifications when shipments received certain statuses. So you are able to automatically inform any partner. See: shipment statuses and actions
  • At certain statuses, like POD, electronic signatures can be made visible and forwarded to other parties.
  • When required there is a history system available which stores orders, signatures and documents for one year. Otherwise CargoOffice removes all order data six(6) weeks after the last status update. Generally this is a status like 'invoice sent'.

-- RutgerRutgers - 19 Sep 2006

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Topic revision: r2 - 2013-06-25 - HenkRoelofs
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