Activity / stock update list

The activity list shows a list of stock updates within a specific time frame. You can choose from two types of lists:

  1. Activity list, showing all stock updates for each product in a chronological sequence.
  2. Collective acitivity list, showing totalised quantities, mostly used for charging.
Both functions can be found at:
  • Backoffice -> Warehouse -> Activity list
  • Backoffice -> Warehouse -> Collective activity list

Type 1: Activity list

This list just shows the stock updates for all products sorted by date and time.


Type 2: Collective activity list

There are several varants of this list depending on the columns you want to see. To make a column visible just click on the header of the column, it changes color to let you know that it is selected. Press 'GO' to run the selection.

Below are some examples of the variants of this list.

Variant 1: Totals per day

With no columns selected the list shows you totalized quantities per day.

In the example below we selected a specific time period and a specific customer. For each day the following totals are given:

  • old stock (total quantity on stock of all products at the beginning of the day)
  • quantity in (total quantity received)
  • quantity out (total quantity delivered)
  • new stock (total quantity on stock at the end of the day).

Variant 2: Totals per Unit

With the column 'Unit' selected (click the header to select) the list shows you totalized quantities per unit.

In the example below you can see that the list is expanded to show totals per unit. The example only shows the units Piece and Box, in your case it could be Pallets, Containers, Kilogram, Tonne etc. depending on what units you handle in your warehouse.

This list yse you chan or Toncould be s anthis case we selected a specific time period and a specific customer. For each day the following totals are given:

  • old stock (total quantity on stock of all products at the beginning of the day)
  • quantity in (total quantity received)
  • quantity out (total quantity delivered)
  • new stock (total quantity on stock at the end of the day).

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who CommentSorted descending
JPEGjpg 1.jpg r1 manage 0.3 K 2011-02-28 - 13:58 HenkRoelofs  
JPEGjpg whactivity.jpg r1 manage 44.2 K 2011-02-28 - 13:58 HenkRoelofs  
JPEGjpg whactivitycust.jpg r1 manage 36.1 K 2011-03-01 - 13:57 HenkRoelofs  

This topic: Cargooffice > AboutFreecargo > FreightExchangeHowto > WebHome > WarehouseDocumentation > WhMutList
Topic revision: r5 - 2011-03-01 - HenkRoelofs
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