Parameters Dispatch


Where to find

  • Parameters of the dispatch system are in your Backoffice -> Settings -> Parameters -> Dispatch

General description of dispatch parameters

  • The dispatch system contains specified parameters.
  • Parameters are used to configure a cargoOffice to the specified wishes of its owner or users.
  • Per customer specified parameters can be installed.
  • Every new cargoOffice has a default configuration.
  • Some parameters are created for not often used functions. We will document the most used parameters only.

General parameter screen

  • 1. Add a new param.
  • 2. Column of defined params.
  • 3. Customer column. It is possible to define params per customer.
    Note: If there is no customer defined, than this parameter is active for all customers.
  • 4. Description of this param.
  • 5. Content of this param
  • 6. Delete this param.
    Note: It's better to rename a param (as old), than deleting it. Deleting really means that you will loose this functionality. Some parameters though you can not delete, these system parameters will stay vissible inside this list parameters.
  • 7. Edit this param.

Modify a parameter

This screen is also used for adding a new param.

  • 1. Name of this parameter.
  • 2. CustomerID-value of this customer.
    • If empty this param is used for every customer.
    • If filled this param is used for this customer (CustomerID in user details, see: UserLevels).
      Note: You can add as much params for specified customers as desired.
  • 3. Name of the system where this param is placed.
    Note: In this case the system name is "mobile" not "dispatch".
  • 4. Description of this parameter. In this example "dispatchSettings".
  • 5. Content of this param. In this case a lot of values for the dispatch-screen.
  • 6. Click "Submit" to add this modification or new param.

Description of default dispatch parameters

  • Some of the listed params are not used anymore by cargoOffice-users.
  • Some parameters will need a more than average knowledge about the dispatch system.

  • 1. dispatchpageDisplaySettings : Some settings for displaying your planning board (left part of your dispatch-screen).
    Note: If you want to modify these settings be sure to copy the original settings, so you have the ability to return your original settings in case you got stuck.
    Note: In case you are allready working in an operational system and you are not sure what you are doing, it is better to contact your supplier or sending us a request if you want to change some values.
  • 2. dispatchSettings : Some special dispatch settings.
    Note: If you want to modify these settings be sure to copy the original settings, so you have the ability to return your original settings in case you got stuck.
    Note: In case you are allready working in an operational system and you are not sure what you are doing, it is better to contact your supplier or sending us a request if you want to change some values.
  • 3. fields_en : Translation table for most words/items inside the dispatch, mobile and fleet management systems. These names are vissible when you are using an English browser setting (en).
    If you like to have translations into other languages, then please sent us a request by using your bug tracking system.
    We are currently updating this table for the latest system updates. If you miss some translations, please sent us a request for upddating a name. Do not forget to tell us as exactly as possible where you found this name.
  • 4. fields_nl : Translation table for most words/items inside the dispatch, mobile and fleet management systems. These names are vissible when you are using an Dutch browser setting (nl).
    If you like to have translations into other languages, then please sent us a request by using your bug tracking system.
    We are currently updating this table for the latest system updates. If you miss some translations, please sent us a request for upddating a name. Do not forget to tell us as exactly as possible where you found this name.
  • 5. mobileNetColumns : Display of columns in your driverscreen, which you can find at: Backoffice -> Dispatch -> Drivers.
  • 6. mobileNetFilesColumns : Display of columns in your "Send files to PDA" screen.
  • 7. mobileNetGroupColumns : Display of columns in your "Groups" screen, which you can find at: Backoffice -> Dispatch -> Groups.
  • 8. mobileNetMessagesColumns : Display of columns of the driver-messages screen, which you can find at: Backoffice -> Dispatch -> Drivers -> after clicking at the looking glass symbol.
  • 9. tripColumns : The column definitions for the trips grid, which you can find at: Backoffice -> Dispatch -> Trips.

All described dispatch parameters

A list of all described dispatch parameters.

(see description of default dispatch parameters, above)

(see description of default dispatch parameters, above)

(see description of default dispatch parameters, above)

(see description of default dispatch parameters, above)

(see description of default dispatch parameters, above)

(see description of default dispatch parameters, above)

(see description of default dispatch parameters, above)

(see description of default dispatch parameters, above)

(see description of default dispatch parameters, above)

-- RutgerRutgers - 02 May 2006

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I Attachment History Action Size Date Who CommentSorted descending
GIFgif parameterdp02.gif r1 manage 83.7 K 2006-05-01 - 14:00 RutgerRutgers Modify parameters
GIFgif parameterdp01.gif r1 manage 144.6 K 2006-05-01 - 13:51 RutgerRutgers general parameters dispatch
GIFgif parameterdp03.gif r2 r1 manage 147.5 K 2006-05-02 - 08:53 RutgerRutgers Described parameters
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