Define one or more actions connected to .DOT codes

  • Actions for dotcodes can be installed at Backoffice -> Disptach -> Dot Codes:
    • clicking the plus-button inside the action column for a particulair dot code.
    • clicking an existing action.

      (click to enlarge)

  • 1. Add action to this dot code.
  • 2. To make it more easy three standard examples have been created.
    • a. Mail me: this will send a message to specified address.
      The to-address needs to be the correct mail address of the receiver.
    • b. Track & Trace: this will add some comment to a particulair shipment.
      In this example the to-address is In your cargoOffice you have to replace 7267 which your Carrier Number (which you can find on the left side of your front/backoffice).
    • c. Mail some variables: this will mail some variables to a defined address.
  • 3. Name of this action.
    Action name is an arbitrary name for the action. The system doesn't use this name but please make sure to enter something meaningful describing the action.
  • 4. Email address is the email address where the message should go to.
    You can enter more than one email address separated by commas.
  • 5. Subject is text to go into the Subject: header of the email message.
  • 6. Attachment Yes or No tells the system whether to send the message as an attachment or not.
    Especially messages to automated systems like planning systems or track & trace systems need data to be send as an attachment.
    By setting this field to Yes, the message is send as an attachment in stead of in the email body.
  • 7. Sequence number of this action. The lowest number is processed at first.
  • 8. Content is de message to be send. This is the content which will be sent after this action is triggered.

Also read examples of insert values you can use in the content field.

-- RutgerRutgers - 27 Sep 2006

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I Attachment History Action SizeSorted descending Date Who Comment
GIFgif dotcodes02.gif r1 manage 44.8 K 2006-04-14 - 12:28 RutgerRutgers Description of actions
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Topic revision: r1 - 2006-09-27 - RutgerRutgers
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